“The Lion fell in the love with the Lamb…”

For her birthday last September, I asked my sister what it is that she wants for a gift. Through my mom, she said that she wants this book entitled “Twilight”. I asked for what genre but she couldn’t quite figure out but she was certain that the author was someone name Stephen.. Stephanie Meyer? (or so I thought I heard). Not sure of what is it that I will be looking for in a bookstore, I searched in the internet. I only have to type “Twilight”, and boom! There it was, several sites all connected to “Twilight”. Oh and by the way, it is only then that I realized that the author is Stephenie Meyer. Thanks to Wikipedia, I was able to know more about the book. Ok, I admit, I read the synopsis there and ruined the suspense. But nevertheless it didn’t stop me from wanting to read the whole book itself. I also got intrigued with the cover, a pair of hands holding a shiny red apple. Which I later found out, is biblically inspired. The cover itself is appealing, or more appropriately, intriguing. I figured that since it is this popular, I wouldn’t have a hard time getting hold of that black book.. But boy was I so wrong. for several days, I’ve practically searched every bookstore I can go to from National bookstore to Powerbooks, from Alabang, Glorietta, SM north and even Trinoma. But I searched in vain. All these huge bookstores sold out all their copies and the only possible way I can get it is by placing my reservation and I was even about 100th in the line. Oh my! Is this for real????? I can’t believe it! Is this like the Harry Potter series? But how come I didn’t heard of it before, until very recently? Anyway, my mom eventually found a copy (thank Heavens!) and it was from a National bookstore in one of the smallest and less populated SM Malls in Muntinlupa. The one mall that only has two levels, almost a hundred parking spaces only, and about 50 (or maybe even less) stores inside it. The one which has its supermarket and department store combined in one place called hypermart. Can you now see my desperate attempt to describe how small, and how unappealing this mall is to the shopping public?? Hahaha.. it’s a boring mall, but for me, it’s heaven sent. With the book in my sister’s hands, I’m already guilt free on giving her her birthday present. As days passed by, the craze goes on and on, especially with the upcoming movie. My friend Julie is already talking about our entire Budget team watching the film, even including our bosses. Hahaha.. I’ve read “Twilight” myself (but I will save my review and comment on my next post) and I’m about to start with New Moon. With all the craze going on, together with the upcoming movie, I wonder, will it be as popular as Harry Potter? Will its movies hit the box office the same as Harry Potter series? Will the 4 books be equally popular like Harry Potter’s wherein fanatics are not getting tired of reading the entire collection? I wonder.. and come to think of it, are Twilight and Harry Potter even comparable??? Well, it may be unfair to compare these two highly popular books being the two having a different genre and different readers appeal. You can love one of them or even enjoy them both. But one thing’s for sure, I guess to all fanatics, both these books have in them something that touched their inner soul…

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