Welcome to myself =)

Finally, I’m an official blogger! I can’t claim that this is my first ever blog because it is not. More than two years ago, I launched my blogging career (hahaha! Career?!!) but only to retrieve my post because.. well, let’s just say what I wrote about was something very interesting.. way interesting. I retrieved my post with a heavy heart and it left me wondering if writing was really for me. The incident made me lose my confidence. But every now and then I think of writing. If something interesting happens to me, I (unmindfully) think of how I will write about it in my “blog”. But then, I shrug it off. I don’t have the time, I tell myself. But recent turn of events gave me the conviction to try this new world. I found out recently that one of the personalities I admire has a blogsite. I don’t aspire to have as many readers as this person but I admire how she was able to share a piece of her life with her readers. I realized that I don’t have to write about very personal stuff about my life if I don’t want to but I can still share my thoughts about different things around me. Yesterday, the Gospel is about the owner of the vineyard who built and made this beautiful vineyard and let some people live in it. He left someone to manage and take care of it but the inhabitants of the vineyard always ends up killing them. Until one day he sent his son since he thought that being his son, the people will respect and accept him. But he was wrong. They punished and killed him as well. Initially upon hearing the Gospel , my initial thought was, “oh it was about what people did when God sent his son Jesus.” But I guess I didn’t think deeper than that. Rather, it is all about how we human beings tend to think that everything we have and we are are truly ours just because God allows us to manage our lives. We became possessive and refuse to be grateful. All our talents and skills were just lent to us by Him. And what have we done with it? I personally admit that I was not able to maximize and make use of the talents. Fear of disappointments always take the better of me. If God do asked me what have I done with these talents, I don’t know what to answer Him. And so here I am. I’m not claiming to be the best writer in town, nor do I intend to make myself a famous blogger. But I can say that this is the start of my new found confidence in facing my fears and doing the things that I wanted to, whether I become successful in any of it or not. As I am writing this, excitement fills over me. A feeling that (I think) only a passionate writer (blogger) can understand. As what I said, this is the beginning of many things to come. Who knows, one day I might try bungee jumping! And if I did, I’ll definitely write about it and even post a picture!

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Anonymous said...

Wow! A very impressive start. Good luck to you. I am looking forward to your blogs.