The Wedding Team Review: Emcee

    5 stars - Excellent
    4 stars - Very Good
    3 stars - Average
    2 stars - Sloppy Service
    1 star   - Poor Service

GI Cheyenne Borela
GI was referred to us by our Wedding Coordinator. Since the package that we availed with our coordinator is inclusive of the services of the wedding emcee, they are the once who has direct communication with our emcee prior to our wedding. 

Thumbs Up
 GI is very charming, which I believe is a very important characteristic of an emcee. She has very good diction and interacts well with the audience. I love how she maintained the cute smile of hers althrougout the program.

Thumbs down
 Some of the guests said that her voice is a bit loud though this could have been easily managed by the person in-charge of the sound system. Before the wedding day itself, I wish we had time to sit down and get to know our emcee. After all, she will be the one carrying out the wedding reception. She can make or break the entire wedding program. I’m just glad that ours turned out to be very good. But for other couples, I will suggest at least one meeting prior to their wedding day.

 Overall Rating: 4 stars
Overall we are happy with GI’s services during our wedding. 

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The Wedding Team Review: Wedding Coordinators

    5 stars - Excellent
    4 stars - Very good
    3 stars - Average
    2 stars - Sloppy Service
    1 star   - Poor Service
Wedding coordinators are one of the major must-haves in a wedding. With all the details to take care of, brides definitely need the help of a professional who is equipped with knowledge and experience in events planning and coordination. Brides are lucky because nowadays, coordinators offer different packages and services depending on the needs of the couple.

E-vents Ezzentials (events planning, management and coordination services)

Thumbs Up
E-vents’ Ezzentials offer unlimited email and phone consultation even if we availed only of the on the day coordination. During the planning stage, I consulted a lot of my options to Hazel and she never failed to reply. With her knowledge and experience in dealing with different suppliers, I was able to get the most out of our wedding budget. It is with her that I found out that you can actually save a lot if you have a wedding coordinator.
Hazel and Raymond are very keen to details. I brought them along to a meeting with Bellevue and they scrutinized everything; from the lights and sounds, up to the possible table arrangements to make our guests comfortable. They asked questions I never even considered in our wedding preparations. In turn, we were able to get the most out of our package with the reception.
One of the major things that like about E-vents’ is that they are very focused to their clients. They are not the type who has a limited time on meetings and wrap everything up just because they have another meeting with a client. Every meeting I have with them is packed and all items in the agenda are covered. On our last meeting, it lasted almost 6 hours just because they checked every detail involving the church and reception.
The service on our wedding day was amazing! I never worried about anything that day. They were very attentive and accommodating. They were organized and coordinated. Our parents, godparents and guests are all praises to them. Their team made sure that everyone is taken cared of. They made our wedding memorable and fun.

Thumbs down
 E-vents’ Ezzentials is probably the only member of our wedding team which we don’t have anything negative to say. That is how satisfied we are!

Value for Money: The packages that E-vents' Ezzentials offer are reasonable and affordable. There are other coordinators that offers lower prices but when I checked their website, I was not satisfied nor convinced with the testimonials of their clients, nor with the profile of their clients. In the case of E-vents’, almost all their clients gave testimonials to their service and pictures also provide a good reference as to its authenticity.

Overall Rating: 5 stars
Getting E-vent’s Ezzentials is one the best decisions we ever made. Great service, great value for money; in short, money well spent! On my wedding day I was just relaxed and focused on making myself beautiful. E-vents’ Ezzentials took care of everything!
Contact Details: E-vents’ Ezzentials Hazel Estrella-Escarilla
02-9961098/ 0917-9981728/ 0928-2253137 / 0922-7916608

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The Wedding Team Review: The Invitations

    5 stars - Excellent
    4 stars - Very Good
    3 stars - Average
    2 stars - Sloppy Service
    1 star  - Poor Service

 The theme of our wedding is “The Beatles”. Since invitations are our guests’ first impression of our wedding, we wanted it to be exciting, fun and colorful. Our theme colors, yellow, red and orange are the three dominant colors of the Yellow Submarine album cover. All the designs and graphics came from the cartoon in the ‘60s named after the same Beatles’ Album.
The words “Love Love” on the front cover is actually the first two words of our grand entrance song for the reception “All you need is love..”.
Needless to say, we have very specific requirements for our invitation. And thus, we want our supplier to be able to put together the perfect wedding invitation for us.

Printed Matter 
With the special requirements for our invitation, I knew that our supplier will definitely have to be something new and innovative. The traditional types just won’t do. We chose Printed Matter because of their modern yet personalized invitations. I booked them as well at a Themes and Motifs wedding fair but prior to going there I already knew that we will have them as part of our wedding team.
Thumbs Up
 For the modern bride and groom, Printed Matter has a wide array of fresh and non-traditional wedding invitations to choose from. Among the popular choices are the passport type, boarding pass, ticket type (like ours), storybook and caricature. The digital prints are actually very good. Couples can personalize it as much as they like by choosing their own prints, designs, font, etc…
Since printed matter’s invitations are personalized, they have artists who helps out in the creative process. They were very nice and accommodating. When I discussed our concept with her, she immediately has tons of ideas which are all very good. The artists are also very attentive to clients. The exchange of drafts was very fast. In just a week’s time, we were able to finish the complete design of the invitation.
Printing process is also very fast. Once the final layout is agreed and there were no changes on the mock up, our first batch of 110pcs of invitations were ready for pick up after 3 days! The thing that I liked best about Printed Matter was the kindness of their people. When we first visited their store in August, we were ready to pay the reservation fee right then and there. But they were kind enough to tell us that they will be part of the wedding fair in October, and thus, we might want to place our bookings there since that’s where they will give big discounts, as much as 50%. And true enough; on the wedding fair we got 40% off the regular price +some freebies! I really appreciated that gesture. I think it showed a lot of class and pride in what they do. Pride in the sense that they are comforted that even if they let us go that day, and the wedding fair is still in 2 months, they knew that we will come back to them despite us seeing out printers as well.

Thumbs down
The only thing that I didn’t appreciate much about Printed Matter is their Head Office location. It is located in Aurora Blvd, which is quite inconvenient to go to. True, they have express shops in SM North and Trinoma, but all decisions and layouts are done in the Head Office. Traffic is terrible going there. Their policy is that you all transactions will be done on the branch were you booked your account. It would have been better if they allowed us to transact in the Head Office, then have the mock up and actual invitations delivered in either Glorietta or SM North EDSA.

Value for Money
In terms of price, Printed Matter is quite expensive. The price ranges from P85-P170 each. If orders are less than 100, there are additional charges, as well as customization fee if the designs that you require are very specific and unique. The package includes the invitation, envelopes, address sticker and sticker seal. So if couples intend to book them, it’s the perfect idea to visit them at the wedding fair.

Overall Rating: 4 stars
Overall we think that it is a good decision for us that we booked Printed Matter. We definitely recommend it to everyone.

Contact Details: Printed Matter Concept 722-2522/584-0735

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The Wedding Team Review: The Reception

      5 stars - Excellent
      4 stars - Very Good
      3 stars - Average
      2 stars - Sloppy Service
      1 star - Poor Service

 The Bellevue Manila

Bellevue is the only five star hotel in Muntinlupa. We came across Bellevue during our first visit to a Themes and Motifs wedding fair.

Thumbs Up – Bellevue has a very good wedding package. Included in their standard package are as follows · Bridal Suite (2 days with buffet breakfast for two)
            · Groom’s Suite (de luxe room for 1 day with buffet breakfast for two)
           · Wedding reception food and arrangement
           · Cake · Bridal Car · Lights · Sounds
                                                                                                · String Orchestra/Mobile · Several gift certificates

The event coordinators are very nice and accommodating. They patiently listened and took note of all our requests and requirements as well as that of our Wedding Coordinators. I enjoyed all my meetings with them. I love how they took care of almost everything concerning the reception because it saved a lot of my time, worries and resources. At first I was hesitant to entrust to them almost everything because I’m worried that if they screw up, they will bring with them the entire wedding reception. But I’m glad that we took the risk and trusted them completely. On the day of our check-in the staff were very polite and hospitable.They even upgraded our rooms from standard bridal suite to premier bridal suite and Sherwin’s room from standard to businessman deluxe. The buffet breakfast is impressive as well. One day will not be enough to try everything! Food is our number one consideration because we want all our guests to go home satisfied with what was served to them. Bellevue did not disappoint us. The main course was delectable! Desserts were mouthwatering! Even the iced tea is unforgettable! During the food tasting, they were items that we did not like and Bellevue was kind enough to allow us to mix and match items from different menu groups.
I was also impressed with their cakes. Normally, the cakes that are included in wedding packages are small and limited. But Bellevue has a wide array of choices which are all impressive. Our cake was a chocolate flavored four layer fondant cake. It is delicious! I call it our “Whatta Cake”. To top it all, they gave us 2 of the fluffiest pillows I’ve ever tried! Heinel loved it and so do I! it was a total unexpected but much appreciated gift.

Thumbs down: The only thing that I did not like about Bellevue was that their events people are not available for meetings on weekends which means that I have to miss work everytime we have to meet. For working brides like me, this is very inconvenient.

Value for money: It really depends on the couple’s budget. Some might consider it pricey but others might find it affordable. For me, Bellevue is reasonable because of all the inclusions in the package. it saved me time and money compared if I have separate suppliers for each. Plus, compared to other five star hotels, Bellevue’s package cost is lower.

Overall Rating: 4 stars
Contact Numbers: Jenny Bernal (771-8181 loc 8119)

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The Wedding Team Review: The Church

       5 stars - Excellnet
       4 stars - Very Good
       3 stars - Average
       2 stars - Sloppy Service
       1 star - Poor Service

Months, or even years before the wedding day, the bride and groom are busy choosing their wedding team. For tips on how to choose wisely, you can check out my friend Viviene's blog

  St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish
 We chose St. Peregrine because of its location, ambiance, and my personal requirement, the aisle.

Thumbs up: If one intends to marry in a big church, this may be the ideal church for you. With its high ceiling and wide pews, one will be amazed with its simplicity despite the size. The church is also very serene and cool. Despite being located along the national road of Tunasan, Muntinlupa, inside the church compound you won't feel the busy street just across it. The price is also reasonable. The church charges P15,000 which is already inclusive of the flowers, seminar costs, candles, red carpet, choir, priest and readers (if you don't intend to assign any). The church also has a several choirs to choose from. Luckily for us, my friend Alpert is a member of Epheso choir. All the songs that we requested were played! But for those who doesn't know anyone from the choir, I suggest that you ask the schedule of the choir assigned to you so you can listen to them live and get the know the members as well. 

Thumbs down: The church is not air-conditioned. But the church provides electric fans during the wedding, plus there are several doors and windows at the side of the church which they open during a wedding to allow the air to come in. The flowers that are included in the package is not plenty enough. You may opt to upgrade the flowers just like what we did, at an additional cost, and you must personally get in touch with their supplier.  

The required seminar is for 3 consecutive sundays for two hours each. I personally think that this is inconvenient and at the same time not enough if one intends to prepare the couples for married life. I would not mind if it is for one whole day or even two days. The seminar is also quite dragging since for two hours, the couples are required to just listen to the facilitators. At 2pm on a Sunday, that is not easy. By the 1st hour of the seminar, our attention has already drifted.

Overall Rating: 4 stars
We are happy with our decision to get married in St. Peregrine and if asked, we will definitely recommend it to other couples as well.
Contact details: National Road, Tunasan Muntinlupa City 842-2424

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