The Wedding Team Review: Emcee

    5 stars - Excellent
    4 stars - Very Good
    3 stars - Average
    2 stars - Sloppy Service
    1 star   - Poor Service

GI Cheyenne Borela
GI was referred to us by our Wedding Coordinator. Since the package that we availed with our coordinator is inclusive of the services of the wedding emcee, they are the once who has direct communication with our emcee prior to our wedding. 

Thumbs Up
 GI is very charming, which I believe is a very important characteristic of an emcee. She has very good diction and interacts well with the audience. I love how she maintained the cute smile of hers althrougout the program.

Thumbs down
 Some of the guests said that her voice is a bit loud though this could have been easily managed by the person in-charge of the sound system. Before the wedding day itself, I wish we had time to sit down and get to know our emcee. After all, she will be the one carrying out the wedding reception. She can make or break the entire wedding program. I’m just glad that ours turned out to be very good. But for other couples, I will suggest at least one meeting prior to their wedding day.

 Overall Rating: 4 stars
Overall we are happy with GI’s services during our wedding. 

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