Prized Possessions

What are my prized possessions? Oh, I have several. Let me share to you some of those:

This was sent on Valentines day several years ago without me expecting it. It was one those great reminders of how true love conquers all. I was so touched then. I remember being moved to tears when I read what's inside. There are a lot of stories and emotions that comes along with this very special card. Everytime I see it then and now I always say "You are worth the wait love!".

This letter was given to me by my husband in 2009. There was no occasion then. It was given to me at that time when hubby was so busy because it was the tax season.Being busy with work gives us little time with each other and I'm so touched and overwhelmed when I found this inside my bag.

This was Heinel's identification inside the nursery. This marks the day when our life change forever because we finally saw Heinel after 9 months of waiting and anticipation. I can't believe it's been 3 years since that joyous day and Heinel's already a big boy!

Given these three, I guess it's pretty obvious how I define "prized possessions". What are yours?

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