Migraine Go Away!

Ever since I was in high school migraine has always been  my constant ailment. Especially when I had a minor accident at home wherein my head hit the headboard, my migraine attacks became severe. CT scan is ok. My neurologist said that my concussion triggered my migraine points more. So since this unfriendly ailment is not new to me, I decided to share my migraine remedies or what I call “Migraine Cures”. See what will work for you here.

My Migraine Cures:

Warm bath
Especially during the summer season, warm bath somehow refreshes my body (and my head) giving me relief from the head-splitting headache caused by the heat.

Cold Pineapple Chunks
I actually got this from my mother-in-law. Cold pineapple chunks, especially those with ice helps ease the pain. Plus it's rich in fiber and vitamins which means you're also doing your body a favor by eating it. I just don’t usually eat much though because it usually results to an upset stomach especially if I took it on an empty stomach.

White flower oil + massage
White flower oil is made from herbs of lavender and mint. Before a massage, I dab the oil to both sides of my forehead. As for the massage, my husband and my son give the best massage ever!

Advil is my last resort. I don’t usually take any medicine until I’ve tried all possible cure. Amongst all pain relievers, Advil is the only one that works for me. Especially, the liquigel type, super fast relief. This is not a paid advertisement by the way.

If you’re having migraines often, my advice is for you to immediately see a doctor just to be sure. But when it attacks, try any of my cures above and tell me what works for you.

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