Wedding Team Review: Hair and Make Up (HMU)

       5 stars - Excellent
       4 stars - Very Good
       3 stars - Average
       2 stars - Sloppy Service
       1 star  - Poor Service

Betchay Javier HMU Services
I booked Betchay upon the recommendation of my wedding coordinator. I already booked my HMU at that time at a wedding fair but I was not too happy with the results of my prenup HMU and other reviews that's why I decided to switch.

Thumbs Up
In terms of value for money, Betchay's price is very reasonable. Considering the quality of his team's work, the price that they offer is actually very affordable. He also gives great discounts.

Betchay is very professional. Betchay's team arrived very early at our hotel because they didn't want to get caught in the traffic, which is very impressive. The entire team is friendly and we were easily at ease with them. Most of all Betchay is very good. It seems like he has magic hands. Considering we did not have any trial makeups, he was able to enhance my best features and minimize my flaws on the actual wedding day. I got very good feedback from guests. Betchay trully made me looked my best that day. Even the groom gets personal service from Betchay. And when they say full retouch until before reception, they actually mean it. Me and my husband gets immediate retouch from Betchay right after the ceremony and before church pictorials then another retouch for our portrait shots in the hotel and another one again before we entered the reception. Even my hair has a second look. The entourage were equally happy because of the full service retouch. During the time of my wedding, Betchay does not have an active facebook or multiply account, thus making it difficult to see his actual work. Good thing nowadays he already has an active facebook account wherein everyone can see the "before and after" of his clients. I believe this provides a good portfolio and reference of his work.

Thumbs down
During several wedding fairs that we have attended, I did not see Betchay's booth. If I'm not mistaken, the only time she offers trial makeup is during prenup if your photographer is BA Studios. If not, I believe he charges and extra for prenup HMU. So choosing Betchay is actually a leap of faith for me since I can only see the result on my actual wedding day. Good thing she exceeded my expectation.

Overall Rating: 5 stars
Overall I am very happy with Betchay and team's service. I already recommended her to several friends who are getting married and they are equally happy with the results.

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The Wedding Team Review: Florist (Entourage)

     5 stars - Excellent
     4 stars - Very Good
     3 stars - Average
     2 stars - Sloppy Service
     1 star   - Poor Service

Mega Blooms Flower Shop

Thumbs Up
Mega Blooms provided the entourage with fresh flowes on the day of our wedding. Roses are in color yellow and orange for the entourage and red for my bridal bouquet and groom's boutonnaire. They complied with our agreed colors and arrangement. Even the flower for offertory was beautifully done.
In terms of value for money, Mega Blooms offer very reasonable prices. Although I think a major factor for which is that the owner is a friend of my mother-in-law. It was also a major criteria for choosing them since we were guaranteed of the quality service.        

 Thumbs Down
Mega Blooms flower shop has no website which makes it inconvenient for the customers to view their work since they have to personally go to their shop in Dangwa. Also the assistant-in charge of our account does not immediately reply to our text messages or calls thus there is a downtime in customer response. On the actual wedding day they also arrived later than the agreed time causing quite a bit of stress on my part.

Overall Rating: 3 stars
Overall we believe that megablooms can still improve their service more.

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The Wedding Team Review: Bridal Gown Couturier

       5 stars - Excellent
       4 stars - Very Good

       3 stars - Average
       2 stars - Sloppy Service
       1 star   - Poor Service

The wedding gown is probably the most expensive piece of clothing that a woman will ever wear. It will be worn only once and yet it will be the most unforgettable one. The wedding couturier plays a vital role in making the dream wedding come  true as she will be the one to make my dream wedding gown. I consulted five couturier shops before finally deciding on one.

Merlene J. Marcelo Couture

Thumbs Up  
  Merlene personally interacts with each of her clients. From consultation, to five fittings (yes I had five!), pick up of the gown, she was there in all of them considering that our wedding falls on peak season and she has a lot of clients. During consultation, I showed her pictures of what I have in mind for my gown and she made it even better. She even offered to provide me sketches for the entourage even though we told her that we will have it done elsewhere. During fittings, she has staff assisting me but she supervises them and looks at evey detail of the gown making sure it was perfectly executed. 
       My favorite part about going to her shop are the fitting rooms. As a bride, I always feels like a princess and her fitting rooms surely makes me feel like one with big mirrors, chandeliers and a platform where you stand and can see the overall effect of the gown. There are different sizes of the fitting rooms. There are big fitting rooms perfect for the entire entourage and there are smaller ones like I used to have, big enough for just one client.
       In terms of value for money, I initially found her quote quite high. When she provided me the sketch of how she envisions my gown, I was wowed and worried at the same time. I was wowed because of the additions she had in mind to make my gown elegant despite its simplicity  and worried because I know that it will definitely exceed our budget. But as soon as I told her our budget, she offered for a reasonable compromise. Despite the price being not her original quote, the quality of my gown did not suffer. She provided me the same imported quality of silk satin and french laces, and the same artistry on the smallest of details. I'm very happy with the outcome of my gown. I must say it is a worth every peso spent.

Thumbs Down
      Since only my bridal gown was made from her shop, and not the entire entourage, I was not qualified to avail of her staff's assistance on my actual wedding day. But to compensate for it, they gladly thought and explained to my maid of honor the details and technicality of my gown during my last fitting.
      Parking is limited in the area. If you're a working bride who is only available during weekends to attend to wedding details, it is always better to go there first thing in the morning most especially if you will bring the entire entourage. There are only about 4 parking slots and since her shop is located in a busy street, getting an alternative parking slot is quite tricky.

Overall Rating: 4 stars
       Overall I'm very happy with Merlene and her staff's service. It is definitely worth every peso spent. Of course it is not comparable to the prices that divisoria or smalltime dressmakers can offer. But if like me you do not know any good couturier and does not want to take chances on the outcome of your wedding gown, Merlene is definitely a good choice.  

Contact Details:
Merlene J. Marcelo Couture (I was even featured in her french lace brides!)
9681 Kamagong St., San Antonio Village, Makati City
(632)345 6900

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2011: The year of Wonderful Beginnings

As I bid farewell to 2011, I will say goodbye to it bringing with me great memories. I call it “The Year of Wonderful Beginnings” as it has brought a great change in me and my family’s lives. Here are the highlights of my year:

­January 2011 – Our Church Wedding
After years of anticipation and months of preparation, January 7 once again marked a new beginning to our marriage, as our union was finally blessed by the Church. We have always felt God in our lives but our Church wedding made our marriage spiritually stronger. With the presence of our family and friends, we said “I do” at St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish in Tunasan, Muntinlupa and celebrated it at The Grand Ballroom of the Bellevue Manila in Alabang.

June 2011
Heinel started pre-school
Enrolling Heinel to a progressive school marked the end of his “babyhood” and begun another milestone as a “school boy”. The process itself of choosing a school for him was exciting for me and his dad. It is then that I realized just how important a school is even for a child who will spend only 2-3 hours in it everyday. It will be their second home and their classmates and teachers will be their second family. The first day of school was exciting and a bit sad for a mom. I’m excited for Heinel because he will meet new friends and learn new things. A bit sad at the same time because it’s a letting go stage at that point. I’m letting go of a bit control I have in him. It’s a first of the many and I guess I’ll never get used to the idea. Six months after, I have seen a big growth in Heinel emotionally, socially and mentally because of school. Way to go Heinel!
Our London Getaway
London truly amazed me by its culture, arts and food! My eyes never run out of fascinating sights to see. The Big Ben, London Eye, Stonehenge, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Oxford and the Roman City of Bath; were among the wonderful sights to see in London and United Kingdom. We made the most of our London trip but taking long walks or train rides around the city sometimes not even knowing where to go, not even a map on hand! We just allowed our instincts to guide us. But the greatest part of our London trip was experiencing it with my husband. The trip brought us closer and allowed us to have fun and let loose and just be Sherwin and Kat for a while. It refreshed us and made us happier parents!

October 2011 – The = Sign
After months of waiting and some days of frustrations, our most awaited news finally came. Heinel will finally have a sibling! A miracle we have long prayed for. It was worth all the needles pricked, and physical challenges my body went thru just to have this baby. By February of next year we will know if Heinel will have a brother or a sister! What a way to end the year!

2011 has been a great year. I’m so looking forward to the many surprises instore of us in 2012! Happy new year everyone!

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