Wedding Team Review: Hair and Make Up (HMU)

       5 stars - Excellent
       4 stars - Very Good
       3 stars - Average
       2 stars - Sloppy Service
       1 star  - Poor Service

Betchay Javier HMU Services
I booked Betchay upon the recommendation of my wedding coordinator. I already booked my HMU at that time at a wedding fair but I was not too happy with the results of my prenup HMU and other reviews that's why I decided to switch.

Thumbs Up
In terms of value for money, Betchay's price is very reasonable. Considering the quality of his team's work, the price that they offer is actually very affordable. He also gives great discounts.

Betchay is very professional. Betchay's team arrived very early at our hotel because they didn't want to get caught in the traffic, which is very impressive. The entire team is friendly and we were easily at ease with them. Most of all Betchay is very good. It seems like he has magic hands. Considering we did not have any trial makeups, he was able to enhance my best features and minimize my flaws on the actual wedding day. I got very good feedback from guests. Betchay trully made me looked my best that day. Even the groom gets personal service from Betchay. And when they say full retouch until before reception, they actually mean it. Me and my husband gets immediate retouch from Betchay right after the ceremony and before church pictorials then another retouch for our portrait shots in the hotel and another one again before we entered the reception. Even my hair has a second look. The entourage were equally happy because of the full service retouch. During the time of my wedding, Betchay does not have an active facebook or multiply account, thus making it difficult to see his actual work. Good thing nowadays he already has an active facebook account wherein everyone can see the "before and after" of his clients. I believe this provides a good portfolio and reference of his work.

Thumbs down
During several wedding fairs that we have attended, I did not see Betchay's booth. If I'm not mistaken, the only time she offers trial makeup is during prenup if your photographer is BA Studios. If not, I believe he charges and extra for prenup HMU. So choosing Betchay is actually a leap of faith for me since I can only see the result on my actual wedding day. Good thing she exceeded my expectation.

Overall Rating: 5 stars
Overall I am very happy with Betchay and team's service. I already recommended her to several friends who are getting married and they are equally happy with the results.

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