The Wedding Team Review: Florist (Entourage)

     5 stars - Excellent
     4 stars - Very Good
     3 stars - Average
     2 stars - Sloppy Service
     1 star   - Poor Service

Mega Blooms Flower Shop

Thumbs Up
Mega Blooms provided the entourage with fresh flowes on the day of our wedding. Roses are in color yellow and orange for the entourage and red for my bridal bouquet and groom's boutonnaire. They complied with our agreed colors and arrangement. Even the flower for offertory was beautifully done.
In terms of value for money, Mega Blooms offer very reasonable prices. Although I think a major factor for which is that the owner is a friend of my mother-in-law. It was also a major criteria for choosing them since we were guaranteed of the quality service.        

 Thumbs Down
Mega Blooms flower shop has no website which makes it inconvenient for the customers to view their work since they have to personally go to their shop in Dangwa. Also the assistant-in charge of our account does not immediately reply to our text messages or calls thus there is a downtime in customer response. On the actual wedding day they also arrived later than the agreed time causing quite a bit of stress on my part.

Overall Rating: 3 stars
Overall we believe that megablooms can still improve their service more.

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