The Wedding Team Review: The Invitations

    5 stars - Excellent
    4 stars - Very Good
    3 stars - Average
    2 stars - Sloppy Service
    1 star  - Poor Service

 The theme of our wedding is “The Beatles”. Since invitations are our guests’ first impression of our wedding, we wanted it to be exciting, fun and colorful. Our theme colors, yellow, red and orange are the three dominant colors of the Yellow Submarine album cover. All the designs and graphics came from the cartoon in the ‘60s named after the same Beatles’ Album.
The words “Love Love” on the front cover is actually the first two words of our grand entrance song for the reception “All you need is love..”.
Needless to say, we have very specific requirements for our invitation. And thus, we want our supplier to be able to put together the perfect wedding invitation for us.

Printed Matter 
With the special requirements for our invitation, I knew that our supplier will definitely have to be something new and innovative. The traditional types just won’t do. We chose Printed Matter because of their modern yet personalized invitations. I booked them as well at a Themes and Motifs wedding fair but prior to going there I already knew that we will have them as part of our wedding team.
Thumbs Up
 For the modern bride and groom, Printed Matter has a wide array of fresh and non-traditional wedding invitations to choose from. Among the popular choices are the passport type, boarding pass, ticket type (like ours), storybook and caricature. The digital prints are actually very good. Couples can personalize it as much as they like by choosing their own prints, designs, font, etc…
Since printed matter’s invitations are personalized, they have artists who helps out in the creative process. They were very nice and accommodating. When I discussed our concept with her, she immediately has tons of ideas which are all very good. The artists are also very attentive to clients. The exchange of drafts was very fast. In just a week’s time, we were able to finish the complete design of the invitation.
Printing process is also very fast. Once the final layout is agreed and there were no changes on the mock up, our first batch of 110pcs of invitations were ready for pick up after 3 days! The thing that I liked best about Printed Matter was the kindness of their people. When we first visited their store in August, we were ready to pay the reservation fee right then and there. But they were kind enough to tell us that they will be part of the wedding fair in October, and thus, we might want to place our bookings there since that’s where they will give big discounts, as much as 50%. And true enough; on the wedding fair we got 40% off the regular price +some freebies! I really appreciated that gesture. I think it showed a lot of class and pride in what they do. Pride in the sense that they are comforted that even if they let us go that day, and the wedding fair is still in 2 months, they knew that we will come back to them despite us seeing out printers as well.

Thumbs down
The only thing that I didn’t appreciate much about Printed Matter is their Head Office location. It is located in Aurora Blvd, which is quite inconvenient to go to. True, they have express shops in SM North and Trinoma, but all decisions and layouts are done in the Head Office. Traffic is terrible going there. Their policy is that you all transactions will be done on the branch were you booked your account. It would have been better if they allowed us to transact in the Head Office, then have the mock up and actual invitations delivered in either Glorietta or SM North EDSA.

Value for Money
In terms of price, Printed Matter is quite expensive. The price ranges from P85-P170 each. If orders are less than 100, there are additional charges, as well as customization fee if the designs that you require are very specific and unique. The package includes the invitation, envelopes, address sticker and sticker seal. So if couples intend to book them, it’s the perfect idea to visit them at the wedding fair.

Overall Rating: 4 stars
Overall we think that it is a good decision for us that we booked Printed Matter. We definitely recommend it to everyone.

Contact Details: Printed Matter Concept 722-2522/584-0735

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vivi b. said...

i was about to ask for their website and saw it at the end of your post haha..

our initial plan was to have an invitation like yours.. postcard type (as in real postcard). i went to 3 suppliers already and none of them were able to produce what i wanted so we ended up with something else.. i wish i had known printed matter earlier.

Kat said...

ohh... yup, they have those in Printed Matter. Digital printing is actually the trend nowadays. There are several suppliers to choose from. You can have your baby's baptism invitation printed there! You might to check out also Kichen Invitation they have cute ones too!

viviene said...

i just checked out kitchen-invitation... they're nice nga! =)

Anonymous said...

I got Printed Matter for our invites. I would say the invites look good in picture but in actuality, it's just colored xerox:( I didn't like the uneven print of color. But according to them, that's the limitation of digital printing:( Nothing beats the embossed ones in my opinion.

Kat said...

I'm sorry that Printed Matter didn't work out for you. It did the trick for us since we wanted to do away with the traditional invites.