Coffee Bliss right at your own office table

I've always been a coffee drinker. Back in my audit days, a day is not complete without 2-3 cups of coffee, even 5 for super busy days. But yeah, we need it that time with all the sleepless nights. Now that my life is sane (I'm audit free!), I only allow myself 1, at most 2, cups of coffee each day. Even so, my tasted buds remained used to such good tasting coffee that it just won't be satisified with popular instant coffees outhere. Starbucks is out on the running since it is quite far from my office so I searched for the perfect coffee that I can have anytime here at my own office table. I'm glad I found it!
Actually, I find most of Good Day coffee products really good but their cappuccino is by far my favorite! It's not regularly available in our grocery store so I try to hoard it whenever it is there. Hope you like it too!

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Weekend = Happiness

As working parents, Sherwin and I always look forward to weekends and holidays. We call it our "Daddy, Heinel and Mommy days!". These are days wherein we get to spend the entire day with our son; bring him to the park, play "boy games" with him (meaning physical and rough games such as wrestling. poor me! :), have DVD marathons (Harry Potter, Kung Fu Panda, Cars, etc..) and go everywhere with him. We make sure that he tags along with us wherever we go, and just the three of us, no yaya involved. As little time as we have with Heinel, we make sure that these are quality ones. Since I don't get to spend my entire weekdays with him, I also make sure that his time with Mommy and Daddy are not just fun but educational. I incorporate colors, numbers, words and shapes in our play. Hitting several birds in one stone, right? Then at night, when we go home and he's still awake, we read books. This is multi-tasking again. We get to spend time with him without stimulating much physically plus we get to have a little study time. Children nowadays are very intelligent. They absorb everything like a sponge that is why as parents, we should take this opportunity to teach them as much as we can. You will be surprised with how quick they learn! Having a career does not give me an excuse to miss out the tiny or seemingly insignificant aspects of Heinel's growth, that is my personal belief. I never want to miss my turn bathing him, washing him up when he poops, preparing his milk (and show him I'm shaking it well) nor calming him down when he throws a tantrum. I believe that more than my presence in major events, our establishment of a routine, even just weekly ones, provides Heinel the security that he needs from us. He knows that he will do everything with Mommy and Daddy when we are home. That is why he doesn't want anyone taking care of him other than us. He doesn't even want to lose sight of us! Now that we have Heinel, gone are the days when weekends meant waking up late and lazing around all day. Rather, it means walking up at 6:30AM to bring the little boy to the park and a more tiring day than weekday because of the endless running, chasing, playing, and cleaning. But despite all these, Sherwin and I always end the day happier than ever. Nothing compares to the joy that our cute toddler brings us. He can be vary naughty at times but he sure has cute ways of getting away with it. One day Heinel will have his own friends, his own schedule, his own life. That is why Sherwin and I will cherish every second spent with him. We will keep our "Daddy, Heinel and Mommy days" for as long as we can.

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Can you account for your stewardship?

If you are asked by God to account for all blessings he has given you, can you report everything? Every single thing, from the air you breathe to the grand car that you're driving? That is the topic of today’s Gospel this first Friday of November. In Fr. Johnjohn Dimatera’s homily, he used the natural calamity the occurred in Luzon as a starting point. If you sum up all the flooding that occurred simultaneously, it will seem like the entire Luzon was submerged in water. Majority of the victims said that this is the first time they have ever experienced it. What is the meaning of this? What can be the message behind all these that our country is experiencing? Nature do has her ways of making her presence felt. If only there had been more trees, less garbage, more recycling , less population, then maybe, just maybe, the flood wouldn't have damaged that much. Yes, we have failed to appreciate God's gifts to us. In failing to appreciate, we failed to take care of our environment, of our world. Why? Because we are busy thinking of ways to have more; more money, more cars, more fame, more power. We took for granted the fact that we are with our families; that we are healthy; that we have food on our table; that we have roofs to shelter us from the rain. We often forget to say “thank you”to Him because we are to preoccupied asking things from Him. I agree with Fr. when he said that the flood is a great reminder to us that everything we have; are just lent to us by God. That in a mere snap of finger, in a matter of hours or even minutes, it can all be gone; that it can be taken away from us. Amongst our busy schedule, let us find time, an hour or so, to take a break and just thank God for all the blessings He has given us. Find ways in which you can take care of His blessings; be affectionate to your families, be happy with your job, enjoy the simplicity of your home, plant trees, limit your garbage... the list goes on and on. Look around, I'm sure you can find reasons to be thankful for.

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After the storm

POSTED: OCTOBER 12, 2009 12:52PM Ever since the Ondoy devastation three weeks ago, I've been wanting to write something about it. But much has been said about the havoc that it caused. I don't want to relieve sad memories of what it did to our country. Then Pepeng came and caused more damage to Luzon. I don;t want to forever remember these tragedies. But just like in everything that happens in our lives, I believe that there is a reason for this. We can only hope for the best of what tomorrow will bring us. A friend forwarded this email to me and I do believe that this is the most fitting message for the victims of the typhoon. It not only applies to them actually, but for all of us as well... Every Storm Will End (Bo Sanchez) Did you suffer a loss recently? A job? A relationship? Material things stolen from you? Many of my friends lost many things in the recent flood. My friends lost homes. My friends lost businesses. With tears, my auntie said, “Bo, I lost all the material things I’ve collected over the past 50 years of my life!” Some friends told me that what was most painful was loosing all their photographs—the memories of a lifetime. Friend, I’ve got a message for you today: Believe that every storm will end. And after the storm, a new morning begins. Remember that every loss is temporary. If you lost a loved one, that loss is temporary. In heaven, you’ll see your beloved again and your reunion will last forever. If you lost photographs, believe that in heaven, God will give back to you DVD copies of all the sweetest memories you’ve had in your life. (I’m not sure what video version they use up there, but I’m sure it’ll be the most modern. Perhaps it’ll be a virtual reality video!) If you lost material things or opportunities or relationships, believe that God is creating room for something better to come your way. How will this “better” happen? Start being grateful. That’s not a typo. In the midst of your loss, be thankful. I know you’ll complain, “Bo, there’s nothing to be thankful for! I lost half my life!” Well, be thankful for the other half that you still have. Don’t focus on what you lost, focus on what you still have. You’ve got too many good things happening to you to be down! Say this with me, “I’m too blessed to be stressed.” (Not original from me. Got it from a bumper sticker.) Why be grateful? Because you attract what you focus on. I’ve said that before so many times, but I’ll keep saying it until God calls me home. Because it’s so powerful. When you become grateful, you attract more of what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is a blessings magnet. My Business Loss Many years ago, I lost a lot of money in a businesses venture. It was a big loss for me. At that time, I lost almost my entire net worth. I was tempted to mope, to sulk, to carry a heavy burden for a long time. Actually, I allowed myself to grieve for awhile—which was very healthy. But I decided not to grieve for too long, or I would be stuck forever. After some time, I declared, “God has something better for me.” I chose to smile. I chose to look at the brighter side. I chose to believe that better businesses would come my way. In fact, I began declaring the unbelievable. I said, “I’ll earn ten times what I lost!” Later that week, a friend asked me, “Is it true that you lost a lot of money in that business?” I said, “Yes, I did.” “It happens to you too, huh? And I thought people like you are exempt from these things. So why are you smiling?” “Because I believe God is redirecting me to a better business. And I know that I’ll earn ten times what I lost.” It was a big claim and some friends couldn’t understand why I was so relaxed. But a few years later, what I declared happened. I started new businesses and I began to earn ten times what I lost. What I lost—my savings for years—I earned in a few months. Today, my new businesses are multiplying. I ask myself sometimes, “What if I didn’t fail in that business? I would still be stuck in that business! I wouldn’t have the new business that I have now.” And imagine if kept moping and sulking—would I have seen the new opportunities around me? Imagine if I kept mourning my loss—would I have had the energy to venture into something new? Friend, don’t focus at the problems in your life. Don’t focus on what you loss. Instead, focus on two things: look at what you still have and look at the new things that God will give you. And be grateful. Where Is The Real Storm? Typhoon Ondoy came and went. But the real storm is not out there. The real storm is in your mind. Do you believe that great things will happen to you? Imagine a party balloon. At first, it’s bright and fat and goes up to the ceiling. But after a few days, it becomes deflated. It stays on the floor. We’re like balloons. What keeps us up is hope. But life happens, and everyday, we leak hope. Especially when big trials come, we surely leak out a lot of hope. And we’re deflated. Here’s what you need to do: You need to refill your heart with hope. So that you can rise up again. Dispel the storms in your mind. It may be stormy on the outside but it shouldn’t be stormy on the inside. The only way to dispel the storms is to be grateful for what you have today and what will happen tomorrow. God is redirecting you to something better. Sit up straight. Out loud, say this declaration with me… I’m strong in the Lord. I’m blessed. I’m forgiven. I’m protected. I’m redeemed. I’m equipped. I’m anointed. Healing flows in my body. New doors will open before me. I’ll meet the right people, the right opportunities, at the right time, at the right place. I’ll regain ten times what I lost… In Jesus name! May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez

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Babbling on the Blue!

ONE BIG FIGHT! That has always been Ateneo’s chant in all it games in the UAAP. And last Thursday (October 8), game 3 of the 72nd season finals, ADMU did had their One big fight. Defense brought the trophy, same as it did last year. The team’s performance was far from what they showed in game 2. In game 3 they were aggressive, focused and showed a lot of heart. The Blue Eagles controlled the game right from the start. UE was forever trying to catch up but did not succeed. In the end, with the score 71-58, the Eagles took home their back to back trophy. A win most fitting as they are celebrating their 150th year foundation day. Every player played well on game 3. But I do have my favorites for this season. Eric Salamat took over the role of leader at the start of the season. His numbers were good, but most of all, he always makes sure that the team attains one goal; and that is to win the championship again. Since last year I did not like Rabah Al Hussaini much because he tends to be way over his head sometimes and loses his cool. He gets into fights which not only loses his composure but also the team’s. But last Thursday, he gained my admiration. His offense and defense were at its best. I even think it was one of UE’s topmost headache that day! Llagas was almost scoreless the entire game because Rabah sticks to him like a glue. Jai Reyes was so easy to like. Aside from being a cutie, he’s definitely an asset in offense, because of both his 3-point shooting and good assists. He is the silent type who doesn’t brag about his contributions to the team. He radiates all his energies into basketball. Jai you did a good job! You are graduating as one of the heroes of the team! My favorite player of the season is definitely Nonoy Baclao. He is the silent hero of the Blue Eagles. And I must say, the most consistent of all. He takes care of the defensive aspects of the game, which is their greatest asset, with his blocks and covers. He also contributed to offense, not necessarily in points but in assists and rebounds. But most of all, I like him because of his character. Nonoy is one of the most humble players I’ve seen in the UAAP for more than 10 years that I’ve been watching it. He is so unassuming. I’ve never seen him loose his cool even if being taunted. When heads heat up, he is the first one to break off the tension. His consistent performance is a big factor in their triumph. He is a great loss for the team now that he is graduating. But overall, Ateneo won because they are a team. Everybody did their part. Coach Norman Black was the heart and soul of this team and I salute him for his leadership. Coach, I’m looking forward to next year’s team. Whew, I can still feel my veins jumping in excitement every team as the season comes to an end. I’ll be looking forward to season 73 although I’ll be missing my favorite players. But hey, it only means it’s others’ time to shine! Oh yeah, hve you evr thought I’m into basketball? Hahaha.. well, now you know!

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The quest for that perfect pair of shoes..

POSTED: SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 6:07PM Shoes, oh I have tons of them. My hubby often wonders at the contents of my shoe cabinet at home and how I often complain of not having “the right shoes” for my outfit. Believe me, it’s a struggle that men don’t understand. You see, Sherwin can survive with just his black shoes (2 pairs) for work, rubber shoes and Crocs for his casual days. But me, oh no no no.. colors, shape, height, and compatibility are among the factors that I have to consider before I can finally tell my husband “I’m ready! Let’s go!”. A painful process… umm.. yeah.. but girls will be girls. During my single days, buying a pair of shoes is part of my monthly hobby. Yup, you read it right, hobby. But when Heinel came, buying baby stuff became the hobby. The shoe part was slightly set aside. But yesterday, I decided to indulge into my deepest desire. In short, I will buy a new pair of shoes! How dramatic. But I tell you the excitement of entering the mall knowing I will buy something? Priceless! The moment I stepped out of MRT I felt excitement all over my body. It’s like I’m pulpitating. I’m alive!!!!!!! I had a hard time choosing a shoe. I had several items in mind but of course I couldn’t buy all of them. But when I was down to my two choices, oh boy, did I have a difficult time! I probably walked around each pair for about 30 times; checking it out in the floor mirror to see how it looks on my feet, then in the full length mirror to see the overall effect, then walked around again. I can feel the salesman’s gaze like I’m a freak. Well, I can’t expect him to understand, he’s a boy after all. But have you ever felt that feeling? Like your decision is so so difficult because you like them both but you have to have only one of them? If you’re girl I know you will agree with me. And so, I looked around me hoping to find a saleslady but all of them seem to be busy. And so I walked and walked again. I look at the salesman and smiled again. I know he must be thinking “Just buy them both!”.. and just when I was about to cry in frustration, out came this pretty, angelic, heavenly saleslady (ok, I’m exaggerating but I really felt like she’s an angel at that time) and I felt like all my payers were answered. And so I asked for her help and she gladly helped me decide. She even told me that she’d already tried both shoes and knows how it feels on her feet. Haayy… girls! Only we can understand each other. Happy with my decision, I paid for my pair and oh my, was I super happy. I have big smile all over my face as I handed the cashier my payment. After this episode of shoe-holicness, I got myself thinking, are we girls really that complicated? Are we that meticulous? Are we diffuclt to please? Are men ever going to “get” us and us “get” them? In my quest of finding the perfect shoe I’ve come to realize that men and women need not understand each other. It is just plain impossible. No matter how I explain to the salesman what difference there is between two almost identical shoes except that the other one is peep-toed and the other is open-toed, he will not get it. Not because of lack of anything, but simply because he is a guy. The same way that I won’t be able to understand why my husband and my brother and my dad buy new shoes which is exactly, I mean exactly, the same as their old ones! Men and women are total opposites yet both need each other. My first lesson of the day: men and women will be forever different. We NEED NOT understand each other all the time. Like what I said, it’s just plain impossible. What we need is to just learn to co-exist and respect our differences. This is easier said and done, I know. In fact, admittedly, I’m the one whose temper rises whenever Sherwin can’t read my mind. I know he tries but I know he will not succeed in totally being in-sync with me. And second: Why go through the painful process of reconciling your being “Boy” and “Girl”? if you want to be understood, go find another woman/man and vent your emotions. I tell you, you will save a lot of energies doing this! Ok, enough of this now, I’m going crazy. I may be weird but I don’t care. All I know is that I have a new pair of shoes and I’m happy! Although wait, I realized I will be happier if I paired it with a new dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love being a girl!!!!!!!!!!

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Two Thumbs UP!

POSTED: SEPTEMBER 3, 2009 12:39PM A friend forwarded me this review of the movie and upon reading it I totally agree with the writer and I know i couldn't write it any better so I decided to just post it here. Two thumbs up for UP. Another movie for Heinel to see in the future. What values can we learn from ‘Up’? By Cathy S. Babao-GuballaPhilippine Daily InquirerFirst Posted 22:18:00 09/01/2009Filed Under: Cinema, Lifestyle & Leisure INSPIRATION and enlightenment can be found in the unlikeliest of places. The latest Disney-Pixar film, “Up” is a perfect example of art, inspiration, and amazing creativity all put together. I was surprised by the rave reviews from both young and old alike. In social networking sites, classrooms and film review sites, it was all thumbs up for this wonderful and heartwarming animated film. “UP” tugged at the heart and resonated with viewers on so many levels. The universal themes of love, loss, friendship, letting go, and pursuing dreams and adventures are tackled well in the film. The visuals are stunning and you are blown away by the details and use of color. The characters, though they were not human, were able to evoke strong emotions. Ellie, Carl, and Russell are the most adorable Disney characters I have seen in a long time. At the start of the film there is a 15-minute montage with no dialogue, only music. As one writer-friend put it, “It’s the best piece of storytelling I have seen in a long, long time.”But what is it about “Up” that made it a hit? I suppose in difficult times, many of us need to be reminded about what’s truly important in life. It can get so tiring at times, we need to have our emotional tanks filled every now and then. For younger children, the wonderful animation and comic scenes were enough to draw them in. But for the adults, I suppose “UP” showed us life’s lessons that we all needed to be reminded about.Here are some of the more pertinent ones that a group of friends and I chose from watching the film. 1. Commitment. No matter how difficult the trial or challenge may be, you do everything in your power to see it through. Tenacity is a rare gift, so we should strive to pursue dreams and meet goals in the face of obstacles and difficulties. 2. To love unconditionally is one of the most difficult things but also one of the most rewarding ways to live. To be a recipient of this love is one of the most affirming experiences you can ever have. When you place the needs of others above your own, anything is possible. 3. Purity of heart. They say that when your goal is noble, the universe will conspire to make things happen for you. It is when you let God orchestrate your days that makes every moment that unfolds a gift or a miracle. 4. Growing old is inevitable and when the one you love leaves ahead of you, it can be one of your saddest experiences. But, it can also make you braver. It helps to believe that endings are just beginnings, too. 5. Stay open to the possibilities of new adventures and relationships no matter your age. People like to stay in their comfort zones and miss out on many things because of fear of the unknown. 6. Be in the moment always. Savor each conversation, activity, story that is shared because there are many gifts that every moment brings. Often, you will never get another one like it ever again. 7. When a marriage breaks up, it is important for both parents to be there for their children. Make peace with your spouse and no matter the circumstances, make time for the children. Leave the children out of your war and do not make them suffer unnecessarily. 8. Life is a big adventure so let go of the things and people that weigh you down. Whether it is sadness, holding on to a grudge, living in the past or being attached to material possessions, free yourself of these so you can move forward. Leave no room for hatred or negativity, and learn to forgive others, and sometimes, yourself. It’s not always an easy thing to do, but once you do this, it can be such a liberating experience. As Carl and Russell find out in the movie, you are always given the resources and people that need to be in your life at different points along the road so you can pursue your dreams, fulfill missions and go on with the big adventure. These are the people who make your heart sing and help you soar as you navigate through life.

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The Last Journey of Ninoy

POSTED: AUGUST 25, 2009 12:45PM On Sunday night (August 23), Sherwin and I watched the documentary "The Last Journey of Ninoy". It was a history lesson for me once more. I've learned about Ninoy's heroism during my elementary and college years, and I guess, just like eveybody else at that age, it didn't make quite an impact. Now that I'm a member of the workforce, and a mother who wants the best for her child's future, Ninoy's sacrifices became relevant. Ninoy's life has been all about public service. From being a journalist at the age of 17, to becoming the youngest mayor at the age of 22, his heart has always been the welfare of his countrymen. For him, "bayan" comes first before himself and even his family. He was imprisoned for seven years at the Fort and later, in Laur, Neuva Ecija. 7 long years; that's a long time to be away from his wife and 5 kids. A lot of politicians advised him, and even Cory to just pick up the phone and call Marcos. Tell him that he is surrendering the fight, but he remained true to his advocacy. I can just imagine the torture, mental torture that is, that he suffered when he was transferred to Laur without his family knowing where he is. In a small room with nothing but a bed, one can just imagine the loneliness it will bring. He can't even see the stars and the sun. I was moved to tears when President Cory narrated how her husband looked when they first saw him at Laur. He was so thin that his pants are falling off, and for the first time, she saw him sobbing. He looked defeated. He must've been relieved and yet sad to see his family again but under a very pathetic situation. I can't just imagine being in the situation. When Ninoy had to undergo a heart bypass and was allowed by the Marcoses to fly to the US, normalcy returned to the Aquinos, although temporary. It must've been a good 3 years being with his family again, enjoying their company, love and togetherness. One would probably would just want to stay that way. But Ninoy is Ninoy. His love for our country prevailed. He seemed aware that death is what is expecting him if he returns to the Philippines. In an interview a day or two before he was assasinated, he was even telling the press that the bulletproof vest can only protect his body but not his head. If the assasin shoots him in the head, it will be all over. He knew. He will be leaving behind his family, he knew of that. But if that is the only way for our country to be free, then it will be worth it. He died. Assasinated. And the events that transpired after that is history. Ninoy dedicated and even gave up his life for our country. Just reading this statement is easy. But can we all think of what that dedication entailed for him and his family? It meant giving up precious moments watching his children grow. It meant giving up opportunities that will ensure a bright and comfortable life for his children. It meant suffering alone in isolation, in harrassment, in torture (mental and emotional). He can opt not to do it, but he did. Without hesitation, without anything in return. Now , we are enjoying the freedom. But at the same time we are taking it for granted. As Filipinos, I pray that we all do our share in keeping it. I pray that each of us will have eyes and hearts like Ninoy. I pray that one day, Heinel will be able to read this blog and appreciate the gift of freedom that he is enjoying. If each of us will do our share and carry it out to the next generation, then we woulnd't have to worry what future awaits our children and their children. Thank you Ninoy..

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Heinel at 1yr 6 months

We're halfway the two year old mark and to celebrate, we had a long-weekend filled with family activities. Friday (August 21), Heinel, Sherwin and I went to Manila Zoo with Jude, Mymy and Nan. I haven't been there for the longest time and it did improved. The animals don't look so locked up anymore because most of them have large spaces and it were transformed to mimic their natural habitat. Sadly though, there were only a number of animals left. The only major attraction was the elephant who gladly welcomed us by peeing and pooping for everyone to see. It was really hillarious! After Manila zoo, we went to Roxas Blvd (Baywalk) to have merienda at Jollibee. We strolled along the bay and was mesmerized by the maginificent view. Among all of us, I think Jude and Heinel were the ones who had so much fun. Jude enjoyed himself to the giant inflatable slide, while Heinel felt so free running around the Baywalk. Sherwin and I even had to take turns chasing him! Seeing him like that made me realize that he is growing up so fast! Saturday, August 22, Heinel had his check up. Poor boy got vaccinated on his butt with meninggococcimia. He was clutching his butt up until he fell asleep in the car. What a cute boy! Sunday, we went to church then passby SM for a quick errand. In the afternoon, we took Heinel and our dog, Vader to the pool side. Heinel is so energetic and keeps on waving and saying byebye to our next door neighboor, Mr. Tan. Sherwin and I are so sad that weekend has to end again. Its' the most anticipated days of the week for us. Now, we are looking forward to another weekend with Heinel. Oh, and just a cute story of how intelligent Heinel is turning out to be; last night, he's insisting on playing with my blusher but i said no. Naturally, he cried and I ignored him while I'm pretending to play with his computer. Upon noticing that I'm not paying attention to him, he attempted to tinker with the computer as well and everytime I look at him, he cries. Knowing his antic, I ignored him altogether. Realizing this, he thought of a clever idea. He closed his computer, looked at me in the eye and said "no more!". Defeated, I looked at him and said, ok. Then he cried again. Huh! he's turning out to be a manipulative cute kid like me!!! I know that in the days to come we wll be seeing more of his wonderful personality. I can't wait to discover and get to know him. Parenting is not easy, but it is definitely very rewarding.

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Letter of Ninoy to Pinky

POSTED: AUGUST 13, 2009 12:35PM My apologies to the Aquino family. I know it says here that the letter is personal but I just feel the need to post this because I feel like thru this letters my children, in the future, will understand what your family has give up for our country. August 26, 1973 FortBonifacio 11:10 a.m. Miss Aurora Corazon C. Aquino PERSONAL My dearest Double Mommie: I have just heard Mass with Senator Jose W. Diokno and I received my communion in preparation for tomorrow’s big show. Last night I wrote Noy-noy and explained to him the crucial and vital decision I made yesterday after a lengthy conference with my lawyers. During the Mass, while Pepe was reading the prayer of the faithful, the last paragraph struck me: “For all our fellow men, who suffer: may they know that if a grain of wheat dies, it yields a rich harvest.’ Let us pray to the Lord.” As soon as I got back to my room, I looked up the complete quotation from your Bible, which Mommie sent me sometime ago and in the gospel according to John, I found the following: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” What does this mean? Is it an invitation to suicide? I think it simply means that there is much more than earthly comfort, joy and carnal pleasure in this world. The message of Jesus, as I understand it, is that we must be ready to sacrifice for our fellow men at all time, and if need be, even offer our lives for them. Unless we are willing to suffer with, and share our love with our neighbors, then we are like the grain that does not fall into the ground… and will always remain only a grain of wheat. But if we pick up our cross, and in the spirit of self-sacrifice and self-abnegation suffer for our neighbors, then like the grain that falls into the earth and dies, we will grow and bear much fruit. In a way this is the rationale behind my decision. I have no doubt I will be convicted to a long prison term. I am prepared to spend the rest of my natural life behind bars because I will not defend myself and will accept the “tyrant’s revenge.” This is my act of protest against the deprivation of our people of their freedom and liberties and this is my act of defiance against dictatorship. I have deliberately chosen a life of loneliness, separated from you my loved ones and turned my back on the gaiety and comfort of life in this world in the hope that by so doing, I might awaken some latent forces that will cause a chain reaction and that will eventually lead to an explosion of human atoms wanting to be free. I have watched and observed you very carefully and all these years and of all my children, you are the most sensitive, the most emotional and therefore the most artistically inclined. You have a keen eye for details and you are possessed with a sharp analytical mind and intellect. Unfortunately, you have not used your talents to the maximum and have been content to coast along, a trait I hope you will correct in time. You will recall I have often told you of your responsibility, at least to me, because you carry the name of the two greatest women in my life, your grandmother and your mother. Hence, you are my double mommie. I have always planned to discuss many things with you and Ate because you are now young ladies but unfortunately we never had the time during those days when I pursued public office. Now that I have all the time for you, we are limited only to two one-hour visits a week. Isn’t this ironical? At any rate, I decided to put down briefly in writing some of the things I really wanted to tell you. 1. Never sell yourself short. You are pretty, talented and gifted. Believe this and make the best of your assets. As in the parable of the talents, one day you will be made to account God on how you used your gifts. Do not be like the man who merely hid his talent and never allowed it to multiply. Be like the one who invested his talent wisely and watched it increase tenfold. 2. Be more tolerant to your brother and sisters. Most especially to the two younger ones. I hope you will take time to be charitable to our baby doll, Krissy. She loves to hear stories, please accommodate her for me. Do not provoke Viel, our little princess, especially now that her protector is in jail. 3. You are sometimes rather high-strung and spirited. Properly restrained, these tendencies can well be the source of your inner drive and motivations. But there are times when your spirit turns to unreasonable rebelliousness and intransigence, especially with your superiors. Learn to give and take because life is a continuous compromise. We cannot always have our own way all the time. And the world is made up of all kinds of people. Some are wonderful and sweet, others are simply downright boring and sour. Learn to live with all kinds of people as God sends His rain to all men, to both the just and the unjust. 4. Listen to Mommie’s advice. She has your welfare at heart. She brought you in the world in agony and pain, risking her very life. Spent the better part of her youthful years trying to bring you up healthy and strong. She sacrificed her own comfort and curbed many of her desires to give you the best. The least you can do for her now is to love her with all your heart and mind. Search the whole world, you will never find a more sincere friend than your mother. 5. Learn not only to like but love Noy-noy. When I wan your age, I continuously fought with my sisters. I had daily battles with your Auntie Maur. Yet look at her today. Now that I am helpless, your Auntie Maur is showing such concern and love which I will never repay. It will be the same with you and Noy. I have not doubt Noy will be your “refuge and staff” in the not too distant future. 6. Please do this great favor for me. I want you to serve Lolo Pepe and Lola Ma in their declining years. They have lavished paternal love and understanding on your mommie and I through all these years. They went our of their way to get us started in life starting with the purchase of Magao through all my political battles. I had hopes of serving them in the twilight of their years, but this privilege is now denied me. I hope you will make up for your daddy’s inability to repay them for their many kindnesses. Love and serve them well! 7. I do not know what career you will eventually pursue. I wish you would finish your college education before thinking of marriage because the world is getting more and more partial to college graduates. The present trend is for both spouses to work and earn to meet the rising cost of living. If you have a career of your own, you will not only be an asset to your family but can always fall back on vital reserves in case of any unforeseen tragedy or reverses. One of my greatest regrets is not to be able to bequeath you with a modest inheritance to get you fully started in life. I squandered your legacies in the numerous political battles I was engaged in. And it is too late now for tears and lament! Finally, please pray for your daddy, who loves you very much and whose sufferings will be greatly eased if your will grown up into a real fine lady whom everybody will be proud of. Your success will be the most soothing balm for my tortured heart. I thought of writing you this letter on the eve of my trial to fill the vacuum of my loneliness. Alone with no one to talk to on a fine Sunday morning, I retreated into my little corner of make-believe and imagined that you sat in front of my table discussing with me some vagrant thoughts. Never ever forget you are my double mommie and therefore my love for you is doubled. Lovingly, Dad

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Ninoy's letter to daughter Ballsy (1973)

POSTED: AUGUST 12, 2009 12:34PM I received a forwarded message and it touched my heart.. I would like to forever have a copy of that letter.. It's a letter by Senator Ninoy Aquino to his elderst daughter on her 18th birthday. It touched my heart because it is thru this letter that I trully realized how much he sacrificed for our country.. even to the point of not being able to be with his family... August 18, 1973 FortBonifacio Makati, Rizal Ms. Maria Elena C. Aquino 25 Times St. Quezon City My dearest Ballsy, I write you this letter with tears in my eyes and as if steel fingers are crushing my heart because I wanted so much to be with you as you celebrate your legal emancipation. Now that you have come of age, my love, a voice tells me that I am no longer young and suddenly, I feel old. An old poet gave this advice very long ago “when you are sad, remember the roses will bloom in December.” I want to send you bouquet of roses, big red roses from my dreamland garden. Unfortunately for the present, my roses are not in bloom, in fact they have dropped all their petals and only the thorns are left to keep me company. I do think it is fitting to send you a thicket of thorns on this memorable day! I am very proud of you because you have inherited all the best traits of your mother. You are sensible, responsible, even-tempered and sincere with the least pretenses and affection which vehemently detest in a woman. I am sure like your mother, you will possess that rare brand of silent courage and that combination of fidelity and fortitude that will be the life vest of your man in the tragic moments of his life. During my lonely hours of solitary confinement in FortMagsaysay, Laur, Nueva Ecija last March and April with nothing else to do but pray and daydream, with only my fond memories to keep me company, I planned a weekend barrio fiesta for you in Tarlac for your 18th birthday. I fooled myself into believing that my ordeal would end with the fiscal year. I planned to invite all your classmates and friends and their families for the weekends. The schedule called for an early departure by bus from Manila and the first stop will be Concepcion, where lunch will be served by the pool. And after lunch, you were to visit the SantaRitaElementary School to distribute cookies and ice cream to the children of that public school where you were first enrolled. I guess sheer nostalgia prompted me to include Santa Rita. We were only three then: Mommie, you and I. Those were the days of happy memories little responsibilities, tremendous freedom, a great future ahead and capped by a fulfillment of love. You are the first fruit of our union, the first proof of our love and the first seal of our affections. From Concepcion we were to proceed to Luisita for the barrio fiesta. I intended to invite a friend who could roast an entire cow succulently. Swimming, pelota, dancing and eating would have been the order of the day. Sunday morning was reserved for a trip around the Hacienda and the mill and maybe golf for some of the parents and later a picnic-lunch on Uncle Tony’s Island. Return to Manila after lunch. I am afraid this will have to remain as one of the many dreams I had in Laur. Our future has suddenly become uncertain and our fate unknown. I am even now beginning to doubt whether I’ll ever be able to return to you and the family. Hence, I would like to ask you these special favors. Love your mother, whose love for you, you will never be able to match. She is not the greatest mother in the world, she is your sincerest friend. Take care of your younger sisters and brother and lavish them with the love and care I would like to continue giving them but am unable to do so. Help Noy-noy along and pray hard that he will grow to be a real, responsible man who in later years will protect you all. You are the model for your three younger sisters. Your responsibility is therefore great. Please endeavor to live up to our highest expectations. Be more tolerant to Pinky, more accessible to Viel, our little genius-princess, and more charitable to Krissy, our baby doll, and make up for my neglect. Finally, forgive me, my love, for not having been an ideal, good and thoughtful father to you all as I pursued public office. I had hopes and high resolve of making up, but I am afraid my destiny will not oblige. I seal this letter with a drop of tear and a prayer in my heart, that somehow, somewhere we shall meet again and I will finally be able to make up for all my lapses, in the kingdom where justice reigns supreme and love is eternal. I love you, Dad

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Farewell President Cory Aquino part 2

Late President Cory Aquino was laid to rest last Wednesday, August 5 at Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque City. It was a non-working holiday and thankfully for that thousands of Filipinos were able to bid her farewell. At around 9am in the morning, a requem mass was held. As expected, the Cathedral is filled. Family, friends, politicians, dignitaries, socialites, and outside, the masses; all wanting to say their final goodbye. The 2-hour mass was very solemn and emotional. The air is filled with love and respect for the woman inside the wooden casket. Several times did tears fall, from Fr. Arevalo's homily, to Bishop Soc Villegas' farewell message and Kris Aquino speech. I cried loads, and I didn't even try to stop myself because she deserves all my love and admiration. All those who participated in the mass showed love and respect. I had goosebumps during the exit of her coffin wherein police officials carried her remains, covered with the Philippine flag and she was given a standing ovation and round of applause. It definitely shows how she's loved and respected. It doesn't end there, from Manila Cathedral to Manila Memorial, it took the funeral convoy amost 9 hours. Thousands of people braved the rain, ignored fatigue and hunger just to await for the 10-wheeler truck that carries her coffin surrounded by yellow flowers. As of 5:30PM, it was estimated that around 300thousand people were there. The convoy arrived around 8pm, just imagine how many the people are by then. Love of the Filipino for President Aquino was definitely shown at the Aquino Mausoleum. From the time military honors were given, up until her grave is sealed, the atmosphere was very solemn. That moment was definitely heart-breaking. Hearing about her death was said, but the finality of it, when her coffin was closed and slid inside the grave did everything became real. She really is gone. We won't be seeing her anymore, nor hear her voice as she makes a stand on several issues in our country. It's sad. But it's now real. Goodbye President Cory. it will take decades for us to have someone who can even come close to the person that you are. Please pray for us, together with Senator Ninoy.

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Farewell President Cory Aquino part 1

Yesterday I became part of history. I missed several important events in our country such as EDSA 1 and EDSA 2 but this time, I told myself, I will be present. I will be part of the crowd. But this time, the movement will not be motivated by anger but by a lot of love… I wrote this yesterday and I decided to type it down just as I have written it yesterday in order to preserve the real feelings I had then.. It’s Monday but instead of being hooked up in my computer and analyzing numbers in my excel sheets, I am seated inside Mc Donald’s along Ayala Avenue with an empty cup of coffee at hand. Earlier, I attended the 7:15am mass with Sherwin at Greenbelt and proceeded here to wait. It was raining really hard then and I asked myself how the convoy will proceed with the heavy rains. But for a while it subsided and now wind blows hard outside. I can see leaves, and umbrellas flying around. Rain is starting to fall as well. It’s been like this since Saturday; sun shining, then suddenly heavy rains follow. Its like the clouds are trying to hide its sadness but succeeds in vain. I would like to believe that this is nature mourning over the death of a very special woman. Last Saturday, at 3:18am, former President Corazon Aquino passed away after 16 months of battling with colon cancer. Since that day, different tributes were given, stories exchanged, tears shed; we lost a mother, a leader, an icon. Her body lies at La Salle Greenhills as I am wrting this now but later it will be moved to Manila Cathedral and it will pass along Ayala Avenue on its way there, . Which is the reason why I’m here. I missed a day’s work to be show the former President, in my own littler way, how much I respect her. I want to see her, even just her coffin, to pay tribute to her. I want to say goodbye to her through my heart and through my eyes. Losing her still came as a shock, even though we’ve all known about her cancer since last year. Maybe because of my belief that all heroes, though battling tooth and nail, wins in the end. And I guess I was expecting that she will rise above this one again. But sad as I may be, I am thankful to God that she didn’t suffer long. She died in peace and with dignity. Growing up, I only remember her vividly as the President. I was barely three years old when she got elected. I’ve know the death of her husband, Ninoy, through media, books and my parents. But just hearing those made me fear martial law. Fortunately and unfortunately, our generations was not able to witness it. Fortunate for us since we didn’t have to go through all the harassment and fear instilled by the government. But unfortunate because since we grow up in democracy, we don’t get to appreciate and value it. I couldn’t imagine how life cane be without freedom. A dreadful life of not being able to freely express your opinion, to voice out your thought. During the martial law, any thing you say about the government can land you in jail. How lucky we are that we don’t get to experience it now and we owe it all to President Cory and Senator Ninoy. As I sit here, finishing this entry, my heart is full of prayer and gratitude to President Cory. You are the best example of how a Filipino should be. God bless you especially your family who would surely feel your absence the most. Farewell Tita Cory!

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Harry Potter vs Twilight


POSTED: JULY 14, 2009
I’ve been inspired by Chico and Delamar to write this blog today. Today’s top ten is: Reasons why Harry Potter or Twilight is better. I’ve read both series and my verdict definitely is Harry Potter is by a million miles better than Twilight. Below are my reasons:
  1. Harry Potter captures a lot of audience; young, old, male, female, book reader, occasional reader, critic, non-critic, etc… (you got my point right?). Twilight series on the other hand is meant for girl teenagers or for those who believes in the “love conquers all” motto. It’s a romance novel, in short.
  2. All Harry Potter books are equally interesting. True, I have my favorites among the seven, but each of them captured my attention and imagination. Twilight, on the other hand has only two out of 4 good books. I’m a wide reader. I love reading and can spend hours and hours just reading but I found New Moon quite a bore. Eclipse is ok but not good. Though New Moon served its purpose of establishing a strong foundation for the succeeding two, I believe it could’ve been made more interesting. Some of my friends didn’t even bother finishing it.
  3. The imagination of JK Rowling is amazing. She created a whole new world; a world of wizards. Their society; their government; families; daily life, even their sports! All created and described in such a way that you will be convinced and taken into that world. Again A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I’m not saying that Stephanie Meyer is not good; she is. She created for us a picture of how vampires blend into mortals’ lives. But I think creating a whole new world is way way impressive than making certain creatures blend into an existing world.
  4. In terms of movies, comparing their firsts, Harry Potter is OBVIOUSLY worth watching. I found the Twilight movie very pathetic. Poorly done, limited budget and mediocre actors (sorry to the fans). I wasn’t even half of the movie when I got dizzy due to the poorly handled camera. It’s like an amateur movie. I believe that I didn’t give justice to the book. Meanwhile, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone was superb. From the characters, to the setup, it matched everything that I read in the book. I was blown away and made me look forward to seeing the next movie. While after watching Twilight, I’m having second thoughts of whether I will even bother seeing New Moon.
  5. Harry Potter character are relatable. I agree with Chico Garcia when he said that the readers will find themselves in at least one of the characters in the book. Yes, they are wizards, but their emotions are just like human beings. They are not godlike creatures like Edward who is so handsome, and breathtakingly perfect. Harry Potter is thin boy, with bushy hair who was orphaned at a young age; Hermione with her wild and big hair but discriminated because her parents are Muggles; Ron with his freckles and financially struggling family. Edward, like I said is perfect! He is handsome and he is rich (well, because he lived forever) and falling in-love with someone like Bella is magical. Imagine, someone perfect falling-in love with someone ordinary? That doesn’t happen to anyone. Edward is selfless, sacrificing, rational guy. Harry Potter is at times reckless, emotional and foolish; just like us.

Comparing the two is inevitable. Both books takes us to a different world; a world of wizards and a human world with vampires in it. Both have good points and both have bad ones as well. I am not a critic who intends to malign one of the two. Mine are just opinions of a person who have read the entire series of both popular fictional books.

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Goodbye MJ..

POSTED: JULY 9, 2009
Last night I watched the replay of Michael Jackson’s memorial. Tears kept on falling as his friends, collegues, and family members remember and honor him. His sudden death has caused so much pain that is evident in everyone at Staples Arena most especially from his parents, brothers, sisters and children. For many of us, we lost a pop icon, a musical and dancing genius. But for them they lost a son, brother and a father. And the pain that they are feeling now definitely far beyond what everybody else feels. The memorial talks about his life; as a professional, as a father, as a friend; were touched and discussed. Brooke Shield’s emotional speech talked about her friendship with Michael Jackson. Like the many things in MJ’s life, they found their “friendship” odd. But for her, what they had was something fun and magical. Something real. Something so true that they do not feel the need to explain to everyone. Usher’s equally emotional song “Gone too soon” definitely is a tear jerker. He is the only one who actually touched MJ’s casket and at the end of his song, he can hardly take it and broke down. His family’s speech, most especially by his brother, made me cry too because I felt how painful it was for them his death and equally painful is how the media has treated his brother all these time. He even said something like, I do hope now Micheal that they leave you alone. With tears pouring his eyes. And of course, who could’ve felt the heart-drenching speech of Paris, Michael’s 11 yr old daughter. It was short but definitely full of pain of a child who lost his only parent. The innocence of the pain made it more real and sincere. After watching the service, I felt sad. It made me wonder, after all the things said about him, why do people, especially the media, adore him now, of all times? How come all his good deeds never published, never written about? Why all these people are loving him now; now that he’s gone. At that time when he’s down, ridiculed, judged, how come nothing about his goodness was published? I was never a die hard fun; nor I’m not saying that he is innocent of all the accusations thrown at him. What I’m just trying to say is, why do people say good things about a person when he’s already dead? Why all the praises, all the recognition, all the appreciation? I’m not just thinking about MJ but about everyone who died, famous or regular people. Is it human nature of us to be selfish of acknowleding others? Do we feel safe over praising someone who can no longer hear us? Why do we only appreciate someone once they are gone?... Life goes on as they say, but just like everything that happens in our lives, i do hope we take something as we leave this experience behind... Otherwise, this will just be like any other headliners; stored in our computers and archived.

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Heinel at 1yr 5 months

POSTED: JULY 7, 2009 12:28PM
Here's what's new with Heinel:
Last sunday, while he was reaching for a set of books and i grabbed it before him, he said "akina,kina,akina".. He also can take commands now (if you say please). last night when he was asking for a toy, i told him to sit down first before i get it for him, and he did. also, when he was asking for milk, i told him to wait for me in the bed while i prepare it, and when i looked behind me, i saw him in the middle of the bed already! Splendid!

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Happy Father's Day!

POSTED: JUNE 22, 2009 12:24PM Since last week, I’ve been so excited to celebrate Father’s day. Well, this is not exactly Win’s first father’s day but this is the first one that we get to celebrate with Heinel because last year he was just 4 months old. Anyway, we started the day with a mass. Then we headed off to Trinoma a few minutes before it opens. Hhaayyyy… I love being the first one in the mall; less people, less hassle. We bought Heinel some new clothes, new pair of Spongebob slippers (as an alternate to his other Spongebob slippers!) and bubbles set. We intended to but him a toy car but had a hard time choosing what to buy since father and son both had their own picks. Hahaha.. they are so cute. Wish I took a photo when Win is playing with a remote control car, and just right beside him, Heinel is playing with a megablocks car! Boys will be forever boys! After Landmark, we headed off to Friday’s, a personal choice of Daddy! He had Jack Daniel’s burger (which is enormous!!) while I had Sizzling Chicken and cheese. Below is the exact description in the menu: Jack Daniel’s Burger Glazed with Jack Daniel’s traditional glaze and stacked with two strips of crispy bacon and smoky Provolone cheese on a toasted bun. Served with a side of Jack Daniel’s traditional glaze. Sizzling Chicken & Cheese A sizzling skillet of onions & peppers together with garlic–marinated chicken breasts over melted American and Mexican cheeses. Served with our creamy mashed potatoes. The dishes are super yummy! Too bad Heinel sleep through lunch… in my arms! Cute boy! we were so full after. We intended to go around the mall more but because of my migraine, we had to cut short our celebration. But hey we continued it at home by simply being together and playing with our son. I love it when I see father and son playing. It gives me a great feeling of happiness and contentment. Happy father’s day again Love! And to my Dad as well! Love you both!

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Down to my 6th tumbler...

POSTED: JUNE 18, 2009 5:12PM In keeping up with my new year’s resolution for the year, I’ve been drinking at least 5 tumblers of lukewarm water a day here at the office. Today is a good day since I’m on my 6th already. Yehey! I’ve been recording my daily consumption thru a scoreboard. It’s amazing to realize that I’ve been doing this for six months already! I’m not really a water drinker. I can go on an entire day with only 2 glasses of water. But now, thanks to my chart, I’ve improved! With the help of a website, I calculated my recommended water intake for the day, and it says 52 ounces! 1 tumbler is 12 ounces each so if I multiply it by 5, then I already have 60 ounces just here in the office!!! Amazing! A round of applause for me please!

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Night with Alvin, Marlo and The PussyCat Dolls!

POSTED: JUNE 12, 2009 6:17PM

Last night was a blast! thanks to my gold tickets at the Pussy Cat Dolls concert in the MOA concert fields. The crowd was great and so are the PCD! I was never a big fan but last night I was converted! Nicole's voice was so great! She sings so well! And their dance moves? Awesome! The movements are so precise! The energy was so high! I had so much fun. Thanks for the wonderful night Marlo and Alvin!

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Colic is babies (and parents) worst nightmare

POSTED: JUNE 10, 2009 12:31PM After the Heinel was cured with his “pilay” last Friday, we were so relieved because the erratic fever finally stopped. It was a “hallelujah” moment for Win and me. but hey, not for long. Midmorning of Saturday, Heinel woke up several times crying and screaming like crazy. Normally, a bottle will soothe him but not this time. He will even throw the bottle at your face, talk about temper ha! the only way to soothe him is to carry him and tour him around the house until he tells you to go back inside the room. But mind you, this happened several times! We hardly had any sleep! Then during the day, he was so cranky and moody and he has this sudden dislike for walking. My 24 pounder son wants to be carried by me all the time. these unusual behaviors of his continued until Monday and it is then that we decided to bring him to his pedia. Turns out, he has colic! His tummy is full of gas which is why he was so cranky. Dra., gave him a medicine for colic and advised us to give him a Lactose free milk for the meantime. And also, the very reliable “manzanilla” proved to be very helpful. Hayyy.. he slept so soundly!! Thanks heavens!!!!! I do hope that this is the end of our sleepless nights… but wait, Shen, Nan, and Win has colds! Oh my, I do hope that Heinel won’t catch it…. Better get all the sleep I can get now, looks like the following days are going to be “challenging” once again…

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Heinel is sick again

POSTED: JUNE 4, 2009 12:25PM Our little boy is sick again. Since Tuesday night he's temperature is going up and down again, even reaching 39 degrees. He doesn't have colds nor cough and as active as ever. His appetite did not change as well. He had this before and this probably due to one of the two factors: he has a viral infection again, or, he is "pilay" again. The last time kasi, he was taking antibiotics when he was visited by a "manghihilot", so when he got well, we don't know which cured him, the medicine or the "hilot". now, we're trying out "hilot" first. If he doesn't get well in a day, we will visit Dra. Henson on Saturday.

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Tequila night

POSTED: JUNE 2, 2009 12:30PM Last night, I had my first EVER alcohol drink, thanks to Angel! it was tequila with iodized salt and lemon (or chasers as they say). Bloody hell, it tastes awful! Upon tasting it, I felt heat all over my body and I became dizzy. Mind you, it wasn't even half the shot glass ha! My face was red all over and my head started to pound. Even as I got home, I'm still dizzy and my heart is pulpitating loudly. urrgghhh... it doesn't feel good at all! Never again! Angel took a picture of me and hopefully she'll share it to me so I can post it here.

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Current list of Heinel's cute antics

POSTED: MAY 28, 2009

As of yesterday, here’s the list of adorable things that our “Cute cute” does to amuse us at 1 year and 3 months:
  1. Knows where his nose is
  2. When asked “How old are you”, he will show his pointer finger to signify “1”
  3. Knows where his ears are
  4. Waves to say Hi and Hello with a big smile on his face
  5. Knows where his tongue is
  6. Waves “bye bye”
  7. Knows where his feet are
  8. Knows where his hands are
  9. When you say “Exercise 1,2,3…”, he will lift his arms up and down
  10. When you say “Heinel, shower daddy”, it means a lot of bubbles and saliva from his mouth to your face
  11. Throws “flying kisses”
  12. Can do “Indian sound” (bah,bah, bah while covering and covering his mouth to produce a cute sound
  13. Knows how to bless (mano)
  14. Dances upon hearing any song, but more energetically when “Tell me baby” by Red Hot Chili Peppers is playing in Daddy’s ipod.
  15. Ask him, “how does Daddy drive?”, and he will make a driving gesture with his hands
  16. If told to sleep when he’s not sleepy, he will make a snoring sound
  17. If asked how his toy bear drinks he will make a gulping sound
  18. If asked how his toy bear eats, he will say “Yum,yum,yum”
  19. Kisses his “friends” all time most especially Elmo and Tigger
  20. When you say “Let’s count Heinel”, he will make a counting gesture with his hands
  21. He can sing “Baa baa black ship”
  22. Can identify a car, cat, banana, balloon and bird
  23. When he wants to dance, he gets Daddy’s ipod, gives it to us, points at the ipod while dancing!
  24. “Scolds” our dogs by pointing his finger at it, blabbers baby words with wrinkled eyebrows.
  25. Dances whenever he sees Jollibee
  26. Reminds you to give him his vitamins by handling you the bottle
  27. Knows how to knock (very loudly) on the door
  28. Lifts his arm up to let you know he wants his “kili-kili” to be kissed
  29. Kisses with sound

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My first foreign artist concert ticket!

POSTED: MAY 27, 2009 7:08pm Ahhhh.. here it is.. I'm so looking forward to PCD concert... next item on the list.. clothes and shoes to wear!! yihaaa!!!

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On our way to "Terrible twos"

POSTED: MAY 25, 2009 12:44PM Yesterday, Heinel had his first ever major toddler tantrum. It started when he was about to eat lunch in his high-chair and wanted to play with a plastic pitcher. I gave it to him and after a few seconds, he dropped it to the floor. I then set it aside, not wanting to give it to him anymore, and then poof! the trantrum begun. He was wailing, screaming and shouting really loud and when Win tried to comfort him, he slapped him in the face. I told Win to put him down as a punshiment for spanking his daddy. The wailing worsened! After that he started lying on the floor and kicking and almost banged his head. The wailing continued until his Daddy gave him the remains of his unfinished bottle. But when he drunk it up, he wanted to have another one again. I refused because it is almost time for his lunch. The tantrum started again. This time it lasted for about 15 minutes. After a few minutes he surrendered and I carried him while he was still sobbing. He was so exhausted, he can hardly keep his eyes open. So i gave him a bottle and put him to sleep. This was the first of the many to come. Heinel is a year and 3 months old now and he's already showing a lot of emotions, even anger and frustration. It was so difficult and heartbreaking seeing him like that yesterday. Sherwin and I are so full of pity for him. This is really a challenge for parents. As much as we don't like seeing him cry, it is our duty as parents to teach him what is right and what is wrong. The learning process may be painful but it will reap its rewards in the end. Sherwin and I are not perfect parents, we still have a lot to learn, but everything that we do, we always do it for the best of our son. I pray that we do make the right choices and raise him to be good person.

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Tummy filled Wednesday... thanks to Hanz!

POSTED: MAY 7, 2009 12:29PM Yesterday, Hanzel had a post-birthday celebration at Aveneto. I was with Marlo, Jeff, Herbert, Wilson and Faye. Hanz also invited some of his staff and friends. pizza and pasta overload definitely! I was so surprised to see Hanz who lost a lot of weight! i mean, talk about the pressures of the modelling world! hahaha.. Hanz, glad to have you back! I'll see you before you go back to Gib alrgiht? muah!

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Alvin is back!

Posted: May 2, 2009 6:47AM Yesterday I had lunch with Marlo, Alvin and Jeff at Italianni's Trinoma. Oh my gosh, I so miss these guys, especially Alvin whom I haven't seen for almost two years I think. Upon seeing each other, we both jumped in glee!! The entire 3 hours of lunch were all devote to updating each other, future plans and some bit of gossip of courze! the only sad thing about this reunion is that we didn't get to take even one picture! flop! oh well, it only goes to show that we're so busy making chizmax! Welcome home Alvin! we'll be seeing a lot more of each other. looking forward to more fun days with you guys. muah muah!

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Maundy Thursday 2009

POSTED: APRIL 21, 2009 5:15PM Holy Week 2009 Every Holy Thursday during Lent, also known as semana santa or cuaresma, it has been the tradition of the Filipino Catholic faithful to do the visita iglesia, literally, church visit. This practice, introduced by the Spanish colonizers, goes back to the time of the early church where Christians would visit the seven great basilicas in Rome for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during Maundy Thursday. These churches are: The Saint John Lateran, St. Peter, Saint Mary Major, Saint Paul Outside the Walls, St. Lawrence Outside the Walls, Holy Cross in Jerusalem and St. Sebastian Outside the Walls. The last was replaced by Pope John Paul II with the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Divine Love in 2000. For Filipinos, it’s not only the Blessed Sacrament but a contemplation of the fourteen stations of the cross. Traditionally, seven churches are visited with two stations per visit. While others, with more time and effort, visit fourteen. Starting with this post, the Visita Iglesia series will commence where I will be featuring colonial era churches, located in certain places or provinces where it is possible to visit at least seven of these religious structures rich in history, heritage and architecture. This post is long over due. but hey, better than never, right? This year, Sherwin and I decided to begin a tradition that we hope our kids will continue on with their own families. On Maundy Thursday, we went to our first Visita Iglesia as a couple. Our first church was St. Anthony de Padua in Sampaloc Manila. St. Anthony is the patron saint of the lost; whether goods, animals or persons. It is for this reason why this church is special to my Sherwin. When his dad was missing (11-12 years ago) this is where Sherwin hears mass and pray, asking the help of St. Anthony for his dad to find his way safely back home. Sadly, he never did. But that didn’t weaken Win’s belief in this saint. Just beside St. Anthony is Mary of Loreta church. It amazes me that two Catholic churches are built beside each other, inside the same gate! My first thought, which was kind of funny and childlike was, “Pano pag Sundays dito? Di kaya weird dahil sabay yung mass?” hihihi.. but hey, according to Win, masses are indeed held simultaneously there. But of course knowing the Filipino faith, both these churches are filled! After these two churches, Win asked me if I feel like doing a little sacrifice. Meaning? Walk! Apparently St. Jude is not that far, and yet, not that near from Sampaloc. So I said, alrightee! The sun was not brightly shining but the humid was disturbing. It was a good 15-20 minutes walk. As we were walking along the University belt and Malacanang, I felt a sudden nostalgia of my CPA review days. The entire 4BSA was a devotee of St. Jude then. Well, come to think of it, I think almost all those taking board exams are devotees of his! You see, St, Jude is the patron Saint of the hopeless. And believe me, when you’re taking the Board exam, no matter how hard you studied, you will feel like a hopeless creature whose future is in the hands of those examiners. Anyway, going to St. Jude feels like going home. It was a different feeling for me. I was at peace. I was calm. I was happy. After a quick stop for Mango shake refreshment, we headed back to the parking lot then off we go to our 4th church! Quiapo Church is known to many as the home of the famous and miraculous Jesus of Nazarene (or the Black Nazarene). I am now a faithful follower too, thanks to my husband. Going there was difficult. The streets are soooooo crowded. Quiapo was kind of crazy and scary. we parked in one of those streets a bit far from the church and had to walk from there. It is then that I felt a bit annoyed, probably due to the heat, dust and crowdedness. Good thing I have very wonderful husband who remained patient with me. But when I got to church, I felt this sudden shame enveloped my entire body. Here I am, complaining and whining because I have to walk a little, while others doesn’t even own a car and endure all the inconveniences just to pay homage to Jesus Christ. Oh and talk about Jesus Christ, didn’t he walked further, endured longer hours of scorching heat while crowned with thorns, bruised, bloody and carrying the cross? Everybody was mocking Him, making fun of Him. He went through it alone but did not complain at all? And yet here I am, fully energized, hydrated and walking hand in hand with the one I love and yet I am complaining?! Tears welled up my eyes. I can’t even looked straight to Jesus Christ. It is then that I really felt how weak I am. Not physically but in spirit… and it is then that I know that I am a sinner and I need Jesus Christ.. and so I prayed… When we left church, I felt renewed. I felt happy. I even bought a balloon as “pasalubong” to Heinel and Win bought a Black Nazarene Image. We were thinking of going to Binondo Church but accidentally came across Sta. Ana Church and so we decided to go there instead. But we were surpised at how pricey the parking lots there are! We paid P40 and we didn’t even stay there for 20 mins. Anyway, it was my first time to visit this church which is why I got to have one wish! Of course I won’t tell what it is.Right after that we’re off to Intramuros! Up until now I am still amazed at how beautiful the place is. I feel like I’m always going back to the Spanish Era. Most of the streets are closed and so we have to park quite far again (thank God I’m wearing my super comfy Havies!). there are a lot of people touring with us. Sadly there are also unending lineup of vendors which I thought slightly distorted the scenery around us. We went to San Agustin Church and I marveled at how intricate this church was made. There are moldings in the ceilings and other intricate designs. It’s a good thing they thought of putting stations of the cross outside the church so that people will not pile up inside. From San Agustin we walked to Manila Cathedral. I call this the “the bride’s church” because of the long and dramatic aisle. No wonder a lot of celebrities and huge personalities get married here. One thing I like about this church is, no matter how noisy it is outside, inside you will feel serene and solemn. Air conditioning was off when we went there and yet it’s quite cool inside. Probably because of the high ceilings. Hmm… so peaceful… Going home, I felt light and happy. Yes, it’s tiring but the experience itself was humbling. it made me understand what they mean when they say that “sacrifice makes your body weak but makes your spirit stronger”. It also made me realize how strong the Filipino faith is. Honestly, I didn’t expect to see so many people to in these churches but what I saw just only proves that beliefs and faith are something that we Filipinos hold on to and that realization makes me proud. Lastly, I am happy that I get to experience this with Win because his presence made it more special. I truly believe that events like this make a couple stronger.

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