Goodbye MJ..

POSTED: JULY 9, 2009
Last night I watched the replay of Michael Jackson’s memorial. Tears kept on falling as his friends, collegues, and family members remember and honor him. His sudden death has caused so much pain that is evident in everyone at Staples Arena most especially from his parents, brothers, sisters and children. For many of us, we lost a pop icon, a musical and dancing genius. But for them they lost a son, brother and a father. And the pain that they are feeling now definitely far beyond what everybody else feels. The memorial talks about his life; as a professional, as a father, as a friend; were touched and discussed. Brooke Shield’s emotional speech talked about her friendship with Michael Jackson. Like the many things in MJ’s life, they found their “friendship” odd. But for her, what they had was something fun and magical. Something real. Something so true that they do not feel the need to explain to everyone. Usher’s equally emotional song “Gone too soon” definitely is a tear jerker. He is the only one who actually touched MJ’s casket and at the end of his song, he can hardly take it and broke down. His family’s speech, most especially by his brother, made me cry too because I felt how painful it was for them his death and equally painful is how the media has treated his brother all these time. He even said something like, I do hope now Micheal that they leave you alone. With tears pouring his eyes. And of course, who could’ve felt the heart-drenching speech of Paris, Michael’s 11 yr old daughter. It was short but definitely full of pain of a child who lost his only parent. The innocence of the pain made it more real and sincere. After watching the service, I felt sad. It made me wonder, after all the things said about him, why do people, especially the media, adore him now, of all times? How come all his good deeds never published, never written about? Why all these people are loving him now; now that he’s gone. At that time when he’s down, ridiculed, judged, how come nothing about his goodness was published? I was never a die hard fun; nor I’m not saying that he is innocent of all the accusations thrown at him. What I’m just trying to say is, why do people say good things about a person when he’s already dead? Why all the praises, all the recognition, all the appreciation? I’m not just thinking about MJ but about everyone who died, famous or regular people. Is it human nature of us to be selfish of acknowleding others? Do we feel safe over praising someone who can no longer hear us? Why do we only appreciate someone once they are gone?... Life goes on as they say, but just like everything that happens in our lives, i do hope we take something as we leave this experience behind... Otherwise, this will just be like any other headliners; stored in our computers and archived.

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