Maundy Thursday 2009

POSTED: APRIL 21, 2009 5:15PM Holy Week 2009 Every Holy Thursday during Lent, also known as semana santa or cuaresma, it has been the tradition of the Filipino Catholic faithful to do the visita iglesia, literally, church visit. This practice, introduced by the Spanish colonizers, goes back to the time of the early church where Christians would visit the seven great basilicas in Rome for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during Maundy Thursday. These churches are: The Saint John Lateran, St. Peter, Saint Mary Major, Saint Paul Outside the Walls, St. Lawrence Outside the Walls, Holy Cross in Jerusalem and St. Sebastian Outside the Walls. The last was replaced by Pope John Paul II with the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Divine Love in 2000. For Filipinos, it’s not only the Blessed Sacrament but a contemplation of the fourteen stations of the cross. Traditionally, seven churches are visited with two stations per visit. While others, with more time and effort, visit fourteen. Starting with this post, the Visita Iglesia series will commence where I will be featuring colonial era churches, located in certain places or provinces where it is possible to visit at least seven of these religious structures rich in history, heritage and architecture. This post is long over due. but hey, better than never, right? This year, Sherwin and I decided to begin a tradition that we hope our kids will continue on with their own families. On Maundy Thursday, we went to our first Visita Iglesia as a couple. Our first church was St. Anthony de Padua in Sampaloc Manila. St. Anthony is the patron saint of the lost; whether goods, animals or persons. It is for this reason why this church is special to my Sherwin. When his dad was missing (11-12 years ago) this is where Sherwin hears mass and pray, asking the help of St. Anthony for his dad to find his way safely back home. Sadly, he never did. But that didn’t weaken Win’s belief in this saint. Just beside St. Anthony is Mary of Loreta church. It amazes me that two Catholic churches are built beside each other, inside the same gate! My first thought, which was kind of funny and childlike was, “Pano pag Sundays dito? Di kaya weird dahil sabay yung mass?” hihihi.. but hey, according to Win, masses are indeed held simultaneously there. But of course knowing the Filipino faith, both these churches are filled! After these two churches, Win asked me if I feel like doing a little sacrifice. Meaning? Walk! Apparently St. Jude is not that far, and yet, not that near from Sampaloc. So I said, alrightee! The sun was not brightly shining but the humid was disturbing. It was a good 15-20 minutes walk. As we were walking along the University belt and Malacanang, I felt a sudden nostalgia of my CPA review days. The entire 4BSA was a devotee of St. Jude then. Well, come to think of it, I think almost all those taking board exams are devotees of his! You see, St, Jude is the patron Saint of the hopeless. And believe me, when you’re taking the Board exam, no matter how hard you studied, you will feel like a hopeless creature whose future is in the hands of those examiners. Anyway, going to St. Jude feels like going home. It was a different feeling for me. I was at peace. I was calm. I was happy. After a quick stop for Mango shake refreshment, we headed back to the parking lot then off we go to our 4th church! Quiapo Church is known to many as the home of the famous and miraculous Jesus of Nazarene (or the Black Nazarene). I am now a faithful follower too, thanks to my husband. Going there was difficult. The streets are soooooo crowded. Quiapo was kind of crazy and scary. we parked in one of those streets a bit far from the church and had to walk from there. It is then that I felt a bit annoyed, probably due to the heat, dust and crowdedness. Good thing I have very wonderful husband who remained patient with me. But when I got to church, I felt this sudden shame enveloped my entire body. Here I am, complaining and whining because I have to walk a little, while others doesn’t even own a car and endure all the inconveniences just to pay homage to Jesus Christ. Oh and talk about Jesus Christ, didn’t he walked further, endured longer hours of scorching heat while crowned with thorns, bruised, bloody and carrying the cross? Everybody was mocking Him, making fun of Him. He went through it alone but did not complain at all? And yet here I am, fully energized, hydrated and walking hand in hand with the one I love and yet I am complaining?! Tears welled up my eyes. I can’t even looked straight to Jesus Christ. It is then that I really felt how weak I am. Not physically but in spirit… and it is then that I know that I am a sinner and I need Jesus Christ.. and so I prayed… When we left church, I felt renewed. I felt happy. I even bought a balloon as “pasalubong” to Heinel and Win bought a Black Nazarene Image. We were thinking of going to Binondo Church but accidentally came across Sta. Ana Church and so we decided to go there instead. But we were surpised at how pricey the parking lots there are! We paid P40 and we didn’t even stay there for 20 mins. Anyway, it was my first time to visit this church which is why I got to have one wish! Of course I won’t tell what it is.Right after that we’re off to Intramuros! Up until now I am still amazed at how beautiful the place is. I feel like I’m always going back to the Spanish Era. Most of the streets are closed and so we have to park quite far again (thank God I’m wearing my super comfy Havies!). there are a lot of people touring with us. Sadly there are also unending lineup of vendors which I thought slightly distorted the scenery around us. We went to San Agustin Church and I marveled at how intricate this church was made. There are moldings in the ceilings and other intricate designs. It’s a good thing they thought of putting stations of the cross outside the church so that people will not pile up inside. From San Agustin we walked to Manila Cathedral. I call this the “the bride’s church” because of the long and dramatic aisle. No wonder a lot of celebrities and huge personalities get married here. One thing I like about this church is, no matter how noisy it is outside, inside you will feel serene and solemn. Air conditioning was off when we went there and yet it’s quite cool inside. Probably because of the high ceilings. Hmm… so peaceful… Going home, I felt light and happy. Yes, it’s tiring but the experience itself was humbling. it made me understand what they mean when they say that “sacrifice makes your body weak but makes your spirit stronger”. It also made me realize how strong the Filipino faith is. Honestly, I didn’t expect to see so many people to in these churches but what I saw just only proves that beliefs and faith are something that we Filipinos hold on to and that realization makes me proud. Lastly, I am happy that I get to experience this with Win because his presence made it more special. I truly believe that events like this make a couple stronger.

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