Heinel at 1yr 6 months

We're halfway the two year old mark and to celebrate, we had a long-weekend filled with family activities. Friday (August 21), Heinel, Sherwin and I went to Manila Zoo with Jude, Mymy and Nan. I haven't been there for the longest time and it did improved. The animals don't look so locked up anymore because most of them have large spaces and it were transformed to mimic their natural habitat. Sadly though, there were only a number of animals left. The only major attraction was the elephant who gladly welcomed us by peeing and pooping for everyone to see. It was really hillarious! After Manila zoo, we went to Roxas Blvd (Baywalk) to have merienda at Jollibee. We strolled along the bay and was mesmerized by the maginificent view. Among all of us, I think Jude and Heinel were the ones who had so much fun. Jude enjoyed himself to the giant inflatable slide, while Heinel felt so free running around the Baywalk. Sherwin and I even had to take turns chasing him! Seeing him like that made me realize that he is growing up so fast! Saturday, August 22, Heinel had his check up. Poor boy got vaccinated on his butt with meninggococcimia. He was clutching his butt up until he fell asleep in the car. What a cute boy! Sunday, we went to church then passby SM for a quick errand. In the afternoon, we took Heinel and our dog, Vader to the pool side. Heinel is so energetic and keeps on waving and saying byebye to our next door neighboor, Mr. Tan. Sherwin and I are so sad that weekend has to end again. Its' the most anticipated days of the week for us. Now, we are looking forward to another weekend with Heinel. Oh, and just a cute story of how intelligent Heinel is turning out to be; last night, he's insisting on playing with my blusher but i said no. Naturally, he cried and I ignored him while I'm pretending to play with his computer. Upon noticing that I'm not paying attention to him, he attempted to tinker with the computer as well and everytime I look at him, he cries. Knowing his antic, I ignored him altogether. Realizing this, he thought of a clever idea. He closed his computer, looked at me in the eye and said "no more!". Defeated, I looked at him and said, ok. Then he cried again. Huh! he's turning out to be a manipulative cute kid like me!!! I know that in the days to come we wll be seeing more of his wonderful personality. I can't wait to discover and get to know him. Parenting is not easy, but it is definitely very rewarding.

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