On our way to "Terrible twos"

POSTED: MAY 25, 2009 12:44PM Yesterday, Heinel had his first ever major toddler tantrum. It started when he was about to eat lunch in his high-chair and wanted to play with a plastic pitcher. I gave it to him and after a few seconds, he dropped it to the floor. I then set it aside, not wanting to give it to him anymore, and then poof! the trantrum begun. He was wailing, screaming and shouting really loud and when Win tried to comfort him, he slapped him in the face. I told Win to put him down as a punshiment for spanking his daddy. The wailing worsened! After that he started lying on the floor and kicking and almost banged his head. The wailing continued until his Daddy gave him the remains of his unfinished bottle. But when he drunk it up, he wanted to have another one again. I refused because it is almost time for his lunch. The tantrum started again. This time it lasted for about 15 minutes. After a few minutes he surrendered and I carried him while he was still sobbing. He was so exhausted, he can hardly keep his eyes open. So i gave him a bottle and put him to sleep. This was the first of the many to come. Heinel is a year and 3 months old now and he's already showing a lot of emotions, even anger and frustration. It was so difficult and heartbreaking seeing him like that yesterday. Sherwin and I are so full of pity for him. This is really a challenge for parents. As much as we don't like seeing him cry, it is our duty as parents to teach him what is right and what is wrong. The learning process may be painful but it will reap its rewards in the end. Sherwin and I are not perfect parents, we still have a lot to learn, but everything that we do, we always do it for the best of our son. I pray that we do make the right choices and raise him to be good person.

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