Farewell President Cory Aquino part 2

Late President Cory Aquino was laid to rest last Wednesday, August 5 at Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque City. It was a non-working holiday and thankfully for that thousands of Filipinos were able to bid her farewell. At around 9am in the morning, a requem mass was held. As expected, the Cathedral is filled. Family, friends, politicians, dignitaries, socialites, and outside, the masses; all wanting to say their final goodbye. The 2-hour mass was very solemn and emotional. The air is filled with love and respect for the woman inside the wooden casket. Several times did tears fall, from Fr. Arevalo's homily, to Bishop Soc Villegas' farewell message and Kris Aquino speech. I cried loads, and I didn't even try to stop myself because she deserves all my love and admiration. All those who participated in the mass showed love and respect. I had goosebumps during the exit of her coffin wherein police officials carried her remains, covered with the Philippine flag and she was given a standing ovation and round of applause. It definitely shows how she's loved and respected. It doesn't end there, from Manila Cathedral to Manila Memorial, it took the funeral convoy amost 9 hours. Thousands of people braved the rain, ignored fatigue and hunger just to await for the 10-wheeler truck that carries her coffin surrounded by yellow flowers. As of 5:30PM, it was estimated that around 300thousand people were there. The convoy arrived around 8pm, just imagine how many the people are by then. Love of the Filipino for President Aquino was definitely shown at the Aquino Mausoleum. From the time military honors were given, up until her grave is sealed, the atmosphere was very solemn. That moment was definitely heart-breaking. Hearing about her death was said, but the finality of it, when her coffin was closed and slid inside the grave did everything became real. She really is gone. We won't be seeing her anymore, nor hear her voice as she makes a stand on several issues in our country. It's sad. But it's now real. Goodbye President Cory. it will take decades for us to have someone who can even come close to the person that you are. Please pray for us, together with Senator Ninoy.

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