Harry Potter vs Twilight


POSTED: JULY 14, 2009
I’ve been inspired by Chico and Delamar to write this blog today. Today’s top ten is: Reasons why Harry Potter or Twilight is better. I’ve read both series and my verdict definitely is Harry Potter is by a million miles better than Twilight. Below are my reasons:
  1. Harry Potter captures a lot of audience; young, old, male, female, book reader, occasional reader, critic, non-critic, etc… (you got my point right?). Twilight series on the other hand is meant for girl teenagers or for those who believes in the “love conquers all” motto. It’s a romance novel, in short.
  2. All Harry Potter books are equally interesting. True, I have my favorites among the seven, but each of them captured my attention and imagination. Twilight, on the other hand has only two out of 4 good books. I’m a wide reader. I love reading and can spend hours and hours just reading but I found New Moon quite a bore. Eclipse is ok but not good. Though New Moon served its purpose of establishing a strong foundation for the succeeding two, I believe it could’ve been made more interesting. Some of my friends didn’t even bother finishing it.
  3. The imagination of JK Rowling is amazing. She created a whole new world; a world of wizards. Their society; their government; families; daily life, even their sports! All created and described in such a way that you will be convinced and taken into that world. Again A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I’m not saying that Stephanie Meyer is not good; she is. She created for us a picture of how vampires blend into mortals’ lives. But I think creating a whole new world is way way impressive than making certain creatures blend into an existing world.
  4. In terms of movies, comparing their firsts, Harry Potter is OBVIOUSLY worth watching. I found the Twilight movie very pathetic. Poorly done, limited budget and mediocre actors (sorry to the fans). I wasn’t even half of the movie when I got dizzy due to the poorly handled camera. It’s like an amateur movie. I believe that I didn’t give justice to the book. Meanwhile, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone was superb. From the characters, to the setup, it matched everything that I read in the book. I was blown away and made me look forward to seeing the next movie. While after watching Twilight, I’m having second thoughts of whether I will even bother seeing New Moon.
  5. Harry Potter character are relatable. I agree with Chico Garcia when he said that the readers will find themselves in at least one of the characters in the book. Yes, they are wizards, but their emotions are just like human beings. They are not godlike creatures like Edward who is so handsome, and breathtakingly perfect. Harry Potter is thin boy, with bushy hair who was orphaned at a young age; Hermione with her wild and big hair but discriminated because her parents are Muggles; Ron with his freckles and financially struggling family. Edward, like I said is perfect! He is handsome and he is rich (well, because he lived forever) and falling in-love with someone like Bella is magical. Imagine, someone perfect falling-in love with someone ordinary? That doesn’t happen to anyone. Edward is selfless, sacrificing, rational guy. Harry Potter is at times reckless, emotional and foolish; just like us.

Comparing the two is inevitable. Both books takes us to a different world; a world of wizards and a human world with vampires in it. Both have good points and both have bad ones as well. I am not a critic who intends to malign one of the two. Mine are just opinions of a person who have read the entire series of both popular fictional books.

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