Two Thumbs UP!

POSTED: SEPTEMBER 3, 2009 12:39PM A friend forwarded me this review of the movie and upon reading it I totally agree with the writer and I know i couldn't write it any better so I decided to just post it here. Two thumbs up for UP. Another movie for Heinel to see in the future. What values can we learn from ‘Up’? By Cathy S. Babao-GuballaPhilippine Daily InquirerFirst Posted 22:18:00 09/01/2009Filed Under: Cinema, Lifestyle & Leisure INSPIRATION and enlightenment can be found in the unlikeliest of places. The latest Disney-Pixar film, “Up” is a perfect example of art, inspiration, and amazing creativity all put together. I was surprised by the rave reviews from both young and old alike. In social networking sites, classrooms and film review sites, it was all thumbs up for this wonderful and heartwarming animated film. “UP” tugged at the heart and resonated with viewers on so many levels. The universal themes of love, loss, friendship, letting go, and pursuing dreams and adventures are tackled well in the film. The visuals are stunning and you are blown away by the details and use of color. The characters, though they were not human, were able to evoke strong emotions. Ellie, Carl, and Russell are the most adorable Disney characters I have seen in a long time. At the start of the film there is a 15-minute montage with no dialogue, only music. As one writer-friend put it, “It’s the best piece of storytelling I have seen in a long, long time.”But what is it about “Up” that made it a hit? I suppose in difficult times, many of us need to be reminded about what’s truly important in life. It can get so tiring at times, we need to have our emotional tanks filled every now and then. For younger children, the wonderful animation and comic scenes were enough to draw them in. But for the adults, I suppose “UP” showed us life’s lessons that we all needed to be reminded about.Here are some of the more pertinent ones that a group of friends and I chose from watching the film. 1. Commitment. No matter how difficult the trial or challenge may be, you do everything in your power to see it through. Tenacity is a rare gift, so we should strive to pursue dreams and meet goals in the face of obstacles and difficulties. 2. To love unconditionally is one of the most difficult things but also one of the most rewarding ways to live. To be a recipient of this love is one of the most affirming experiences you can ever have. When you place the needs of others above your own, anything is possible. 3. Purity of heart. They say that when your goal is noble, the universe will conspire to make things happen for you. It is when you let God orchestrate your days that makes every moment that unfolds a gift or a miracle. 4. Growing old is inevitable and when the one you love leaves ahead of you, it can be one of your saddest experiences. But, it can also make you braver. It helps to believe that endings are just beginnings, too. 5. Stay open to the possibilities of new adventures and relationships no matter your age. People like to stay in their comfort zones and miss out on many things because of fear of the unknown. 6. Be in the moment always. Savor each conversation, activity, story that is shared because there are many gifts that every moment brings. Often, you will never get another one like it ever again. 7. When a marriage breaks up, it is important for both parents to be there for their children. Make peace with your spouse and no matter the circumstances, make time for the children. Leave the children out of your war and do not make them suffer unnecessarily. 8. Life is a big adventure so let go of the things and people that weigh you down. Whether it is sadness, holding on to a grudge, living in the past or being attached to material possessions, free yourself of these so you can move forward. Leave no room for hatred or negativity, and learn to forgive others, and sometimes, yourself. It’s not always an easy thing to do, but once you do this, it can be such a liberating experience. As Carl and Russell find out in the movie, you are always given the resources and people that need to be in your life at different points along the road so you can pursue your dreams, fulfill missions and go on with the big adventure. These are the people who make your heart sing and help you soar as you navigate through life.

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