Current list of Heinel's cute antics

POSTED: MAY 28, 2009

As of yesterday, here’s the list of adorable things that our “Cute cute” does to amuse us at 1 year and 3 months:
  1. Knows where his nose is
  2. When asked “How old are you”, he will show his pointer finger to signify “1”
  3. Knows where his ears are
  4. Waves to say Hi and Hello with a big smile on his face
  5. Knows where his tongue is
  6. Waves “bye bye”
  7. Knows where his feet are
  8. Knows where his hands are
  9. When you say “Exercise 1,2,3…”, he will lift his arms up and down
  10. When you say “Heinel, shower daddy”, it means a lot of bubbles and saliva from his mouth to your face
  11. Throws “flying kisses”
  12. Can do “Indian sound” (bah,bah, bah while covering and covering his mouth to produce a cute sound
  13. Knows how to bless (mano)
  14. Dances upon hearing any song, but more energetically when “Tell me baby” by Red Hot Chili Peppers is playing in Daddy’s ipod.
  15. Ask him, “how does Daddy drive?”, and he will make a driving gesture with his hands
  16. If told to sleep when he’s not sleepy, he will make a snoring sound
  17. If asked how his toy bear drinks he will make a gulping sound
  18. If asked how his toy bear eats, he will say “Yum,yum,yum”
  19. Kisses his “friends” all time most especially Elmo and Tigger
  20. When you say “Let’s count Heinel”, he will make a counting gesture with his hands
  21. He can sing “Baa baa black ship”
  22. Can identify a car, cat, banana, balloon and bird
  23. When he wants to dance, he gets Daddy’s ipod, gives it to us, points at the ipod while dancing!
  24. “Scolds” our dogs by pointing his finger at it, blabbers baby words with wrinkled eyebrows.
  25. Dances whenever he sees Jollibee
  26. Reminds you to give him his vitamins by handling you the bottle
  27. Knows how to knock (very loudly) on the door
  28. Lifts his arm up to let you know he wants his “kili-kili” to be kissed
  29. Kisses with sound

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