The quest for that perfect pair of shoes..

POSTED: SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 6:07PM Shoes, oh I have tons of them. My hubby often wonders at the contents of my shoe cabinet at home and how I often complain of not having “the right shoes” for my outfit. Believe me, it’s a struggle that men don’t understand. You see, Sherwin can survive with just his black shoes (2 pairs) for work, rubber shoes and Crocs for his casual days. But me, oh no no no.. colors, shape, height, and compatibility are among the factors that I have to consider before I can finally tell my husband “I’m ready! Let’s go!”. A painful process… umm.. yeah.. but girls will be girls. During my single days, buying a pair of shoes is part of my monthly hobby. Yup, you read it right, hobby. But when Heinel came, buying baby stuff became the hobby. The shoe part was slightly set aside. But yesterday, I decided to indulge into my deepest desire. In short, I will buy a new pair of shoes! How dramatic. But I tell you the excitement of entering the mall knowing I will buy something? Priceless! The moment I stepped out of MRT I felt excitement all over my body. It’s like I’m pulpitating. I’m alive!!!!!!! I had a hard time choosing a shoe. I had several items in mind but of course I couldn’t buy all of them. But when I was down to my two choices, oh boy, did I have a difficult time! I probably walked around each pair for about 30 times; checking it out in the floor mirror to see how it looks on my feet, then in the full length mirror to see the overall effect, then walked around again. I can feel the salesman’s gaze like I’m a freak. Well, I can’t expect him to understand, he’s a boy after all. But have you ever felt that feeling? Like your decision is so so difficult because you like them both but you have to have only one of them? If you’re girl I know you will agree with me. And so, I looked around me hoping to find a saleslady but all of them seem to be busy. And so I walked and walked again. I look at the salesman and smiled again. I know he must be thinking “Just buy them both!”.. and just when I was about to cry in frustration, out came this pretty, angelic, heavenly saleslady (ok, I’m exaggerating but I really felt like she’s an angel at that time) and I felt like all my payers were answered. And so I asked for her help and she gladly helped me decide. She even told me that she’d already tried both shoes and knows how it feels on her feet. Haayy… girls! Only we can understand each other. Happy with my decision, I paid for my pair and oh my, was I super happy. I have big smile all over my face as I handed the cashier my payment. After this episode of shoe-holicness, I got myself thinking, are we girls really that complicated? Are we that meticulous? Are we diffuclt to please? Are men ever going to “get” us and us “get” them? In my quest of finding the perfect shoe I’ve come to realize that men and women need not understand each other. It is just plain impossible. No matter how I explain to the salesman what difference there is between two almost identical shoes except that the other one is peep-toed and the other is open-toed, he will not get it. Not because of lack of anything, but simply because he is a guy. The same way that I won’t be able to understand why my husband and my brother and my dad buy new shoes which is exactly, I mean exactly, the same as their old ones! Men and women are total opposites yet both need each other. My first lesson of the day: men and women will be forever different. We NEED NOT understand each other all the time. Like what I said, it’s just plain impossible. What we need is to just learn to co-exist and respect our differences. This is easier said and done, I know. In fact, admittedly, I’m the one whose temper rises whenever Sherwin can’t read my mind. I know he tries but I know he will not succeed in totally being in-sync with me. And second: Why go through the painful process of reconciling your being “Boy” and “Girl”? if you want to be understood, go find another woman/man and vent your emotions. I tell you, you will save a lot of energies doing this! Ok, enough of this now, I’m going crazy. I may be weird but I don’t care. All I know is that I have a new pair of shoes and I’m happy! Although wait, I realized I will be happier if I paired it with a new dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love being a girl!!!!!!!!!!

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