My personal take on this

POSTED: APRIL 20, 2009 5:17PM I remember posting this blog during the hype of the suicide of the wife a famous broadcaster. More than the drama, it opened our eyes to the reality of how revenge does not choose when and how to strike. I personally believe there is more to the behaviour of the QCPD than what they are saying... Last Wednesday, everybody was shocked with the news that the wife of a famous broadcaster was shot in the head. Initial speculations came out that it was the broadcaster who shot his wife after a heated argument inside the car. But later, another statement was released that it is the wife who shot herself inside the bathroom of their daughter’s room. For the next 24-hours, everything was getting clearer and confusing at the same time. Clearer, because the family members and household helpers all said that it was indeed suicide, which some people still doubt but I believe. And confusing because the police are acting like this is all a BIG criminal case wherein people are being harassed, forced and arrested! What is going on here?????? Thursday night, the wife died (may she rest in peace). She died almost the very same time that her siblings are being harassed and forced by the police to go with them in the precinct. And for what charges? None. They are just being accused of obstruction of justice because apparently the sister refused to talk to the police. But according to the one of the lawyers, how can there be obstruction of justice if no crime has been proven yet? Right now they are mourning, aggravating and fighting injustice. I pity their family. I followed this story religiously and I am disgusted with how the police and our judgment system are handling this. These people just saw a family member inside the bathroom swimming in her own blood. And the police expect them to act normal, recount all the events in detail, and reenact the incident within 24 hours when it happened? These policemen of ours are either naïve or totally heartless. If you saw a family member in the bathroom swimming in her own blood, would you not, first and foremost, rush her to the hospital? Then how come the QCPD is harassing the family for having done what is the most logical thing to do?? They are arresting the entire household help because they cleaned up the bathroom and the car, knowing and believing that what happened was self-inflicted by the victim?? Isn’t it what one will do especially if there are other members of the family who might be affected gravely if they saw all the blood? I think anyone who has children, or should I say, who has common sense, would’ve done the same. And if you are the relatives of the “victim” why on earth would you defend the killer? The entire family of the wife is at Mr. Failon’s side. If they have, even an inkling that he did it, why would they side him? And why, oh why, do they have to drag people and shove them inside the police car when they are not inviting fighting them???? And what are the charges again?? None. They say they are just inviting them for questioning? Is this how you invite people? By putting handcuffs on them and dragging them??? Disgusting. These people are in the most trying times of their lives. And the police are treating them like criminals! Is this how are justice system is? they kick you so hard when you’re down???? If they can do this to the Failon family, with the media watching every move, I can just imagine how they act on “normal” people. Are these the people who should be protecting our rights?? And yeah, about the creep we call our Justice Secretary, why in the hell would you announce on National TV that you receive an anonymous text message saying that a friend helped Mr. Failon move the dead body from the body to the bathroom in another room? Isn’t that so irresponsible especially coming from a justice secretary? Mr. Failon is not yet charged of anything, thus he is not a suspect. Yet, how come the QCPD and The Chief Justice treat him like one? And isn’t it that line in justice is “Innocent until proven guilty?” How come it is the other way around for Mr. Failon? I’m angry with what I’m seeing. I am angry that injustice and police brutally is very evident in our country. You can see it on TV! Is this something we will get accustomed to just like corruption and politicking? Is this something we will consider “part” of the culture in our country? Is that something we want our children to grow up to? Whatever the outcome of this investigation is, I hope and pray that the police and the public will give the family and Mr. Failon the respect that they deserve. This is probably one of the most painful event in the lives. It does not take a lawyer to know that. I hope that they will be spared with the unfair trial by publicity. This story is not an episode of the CSI. This is real life. The characters are real and has feelings. They have the right to human dignity. Oh, and about the obstruction of justice case, aren’t the policemen supposed to be charged by these for violating a very basic law?????

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