My personal take on this.. a plead to everyone

POSTED: APRIL 21, 2009 12:53PM I’ve been receiving forwarded emails regarding theories about the Failon tragedy. Others are so weird and out of this world that made me realize how wild some people’s imaginations can be. I no longer feel the need to paste them here so as not to further spread it, nor do I wish to see it in the future. Each of us has our own opinions on this but to spread this in the internet is totally malicious and irresponsible. Why do we have to spread these unfounded and unsolicited opinions? Are we as heartless as the policemen are? If you have opinions, please keep it among yourselves. The family is suffering enough as it is now. Please do not aggravate their agony by coming up with theories and analyzing the situation then sending it to everyone you know. What are these people’s intention in doing these? I pray that they find it in their hearts to sympathize with the family instead. What they need now are prayers, not further pain to add up to their grieving heart. Please spare the family further pain please. Stop being insensitive.

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