Servants, no we are not!

POSTED: APRIL 2, 2009 12:52PM They say that a lot has change now that we are in the new millennium; that people are more open-minded and racism is not as felt as it used to be. Oh, but the article of Chip Tsao clearly reminds us that discrimination is far from being erased in the world. I’ve heard about this article over the radio and even in the headlines in the internet but never really got interested to reading it until this morning when I was listening to Chico and Delamar. One of their newsbreaks is about the apology of the said writer and that was enough to stir my curiosity. While reading it, I felt this sudden rush of fury! I can’t believe the nerve if this guy! He’s Asian, we are Asian, what makes him think that they are better than us?! How could he brand us “servants” and they “masters”? just because he and his friends have Filipino helpers he already has the right to say that? These people whom he call “servants” works day and night to serve them and do the task that they can’t do! Does he think that threatening to fire his helper if our country tried to fight our way into Spratlys island will show his love for his country? NO. IT WILL ONLY SHOW HOW HALLOW HIS MIND IS. He’s acting like a stupid brat ranting and ranting, and for what, just because of Spratlys islands? This man has some serious mental problem. What’s more appalling is his apology: Tsao said:The servant is a sacred term - a Hong Kong government official is a civil servant - We are all servants to God, right? - I’m now aware that I’ve crossed the line and I offer my public apology” Does he think we are stupid? That we have a problem with our reading comprehension? He can’t get away with that statement of his. It’s clear as water in his article that he thinks that they are higher and more powerful than us and we have no right to fight for what we believe is ours because they provide salaries to our people! The issue here is not who gets to have Spratlys or who has a more prosperous economy. The issue here is Respect for human dignity. And that my friend, is what Chip Tsao doesn’t have. I fully agree with the decision to ban him from entering the country. If he can’t respect us, then he shouldn’t be allowed to step in our land.

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