My sweet sweet boy

POSTED: MARCH 21, 2009 7:25PM As I've mentioned in my previous post, my hubby, has been very busy with work these past few days. And just recently our son Heinel is showing signs that he is missing his Daddy so much. The other night, before going to sleep, we called Daddy and put him on speakermode so that Heinel can hear him. As soon as he heard his Dad, his eyes lit up and he searched all over the room looking for Dad. He kept saying "Daddy, daddy" until later he cried when he couldn't find him. Then, when we're already about to sleep, he sung this song wherein the lyrics are just "daddy, daddy..".. i got teary eyed. our som is trully growing up and already knows how to miss us.. augghhhh.. Sherwin went home around 3am. And when Heinel woke up this morning and saw Daddy, he couldn't believe it! He was even staring at dad's face for a couple of seconds before looking at me and I responded "Yes, that's Daddy". Oh my, his smile was precious! He got so excited and wanted to wake up Daddy to play but of course I stopped him to give Dad his much needed rest. The poor baby cried! It fascinates me really how Heinel is slowly showing his personality. I love it that he's all over us now. I will trully cherish these moments wherein his world only is Mommy and Daddy. I love you Heinel. I pray that you be a good boy always!

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