Doctor, doctor my little boy is sick

Posted: March 12, 2009 5:53PM Since Tuesday last week, (the 3rd), my son, Heinel, has a recurring fever; well low-grades lang from Wednesday to Friday but reason enough for us to bring him back to his Pediatrician. Dra. Henson (our ever active and hyper pedia) said that it was just caused by a certain virus and can be remedied by lots of water (cold) and minimal exposure to heat or humid if coming from an airconditioned room. Feeling relieved, we went to the mall and event bought an inflatable swimming pool (my husband has been wanting this since last year hahaha) and a beach ball which were all inflated when we got home. Father and son enjoyed the pool around 2pm. heinel was so happy! Splashing around is fave thing! But recent events made me realize that allowing Heinel to splash around a day after his low grade fever was not a good idea. I don’t know if it’s related at all, but on Tuesday, his fever returned again but this time more disturbing. His temperature rises and falls quite fast especially at night wherein it reaches about 39 degrees. Our immediate companion was Cool Fevers which are a great way of lowering his temperature. But after a while it will rise again. This continued on until Thursday when we paid a visit to Dra Henson again. It turns out that our son has a strong viral infection which already manifested in his blood test. Antibiotic will be taken for the next 7 days. Yesterday, his temperature is still fluctuating. Good thing that his appetite wasn’t affected. At least I know that he has enough nutrients to fight off the virus. But just the same I hope he’ll get well soon. I’m now experiencing the pain every mother go through when their child is sick. How I wish it’s me who has those fever. Right now all I can do is give him my comforting hug and tell him that mommy will do everything to make him feel better again.

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